The global hand sanitizer market is expected to reach $3.47 billion by 2028, up from $2.98 billion in 2020. Kutol Products, a maker of hand soaps, hair and body washes, industrial hand cleaners, and foam and gel hand sanitizers, plans to be a major player as this growth unfolds.
基于辛辛那提的公司成立于1912年,它现在在自己的健康卫生®和Kutol®Pro品牌以及私人标签品牌下生产。在经过2009年猪流感大流行病的情况下,它也没有陌生人。随着Covid-19的到来,副总裁John Rhodenbaugh表示,“我们的业务爆炸,就像在猪流感期间一样。随着整个Kutol团队获得的以前的经验,我们能够在这次申请经验教训,并在此时进行一些良好的决定。我们知道我们对即将到来的想法,我们可以计划,但我们并没有期望需求持续这么久。“填充物的步行梁格式意味着它以连续运动为基础运行。
一个关键的决定是把所有的Kutol filling lines to handling only hand sanitizer for a while. All of the tanks and fill lines were converted to produce sanitizer throughout the pandemic. Such products are typically manufactured in an explosion-proof room, but when production expanded to the entire facility, safeguards were put in place to keep safety as a top priority. The second decision was to install a fifth filling line.
Kutol最终用DTM包装纯FIL 2500在线行走梁流量计填充物购买了DTM完全集成的装瓶线,由Kutol深情地命名为“Fillzilla”。简单的机器采用清洁的卫生设计和卫生产品路径。板载压力供应箱配有双喷球清洁。其他设计功能包括顶部填充的防泡沫喷嘴或自下而上的填充能力,用于填充泡沫或高粘度产品,以及一系列产品和容器尺寸的快速转换。kutol在新线上的小于为1盎司的大小为大小的尺寸运行宠物,HDPE,PVC或PETG集装箱。填料可用作独立机器或作为提供给kuol的完整装瓶线的一部分。Shown here, though not to scale, are a 16-oz (left) and a 32-oz bottle (right) filled on the versatile new line.
另一个重要的设计特征是填料是防爆,使其成为理想的handling the alcohol present in hand sanitizer. According to Rhodenbaugh, if product were to spill on the line from the containers near an open spark or flame, there could be a fire. So at Kutol, the DTM filler is electrically closed, intrinsically safe, and in a classified area.
During operation, empty bottles are poured into a bottle unscrambler fromPace是一家PROMACH公司。一张照片眼睛检测到任何下瓶子并踢出它们。
接下来是八头填充物,其行走光束格式导致连续运动填充到300瓶/分钟。下游立即是一个封盖器,它也由DTM提供。一种冒险家任何bottl检测系统开始e with a missing or cocked cap, and then each bottle is checked by aWipotec.checkweigher. “We purchased it through DTM, but we worked pretty closely with Wipotec to make sure the side belts, for example, would be capable of properly handling such a wide range of bottle sizes,” notes Rhodenbaugh.
Pressure-sensitive film labels are applied by aNITA.labeler that does front and back or full-wrap labels. Then a vision inspection system from Cognex makes sure each bottle’s lot and date code—printed on each bottle by an ink-jet system fromVideojet- 在瓶子前往瓶装件之前的良好良好,用于手动箱包装。案例在机器上占用interreltape聚合物组。
While the DTM Purefil is capable of handling up to 300 bottles/min, Rhodenbaugh says Kutol will likely average about 80 to 120 bottles/min based on the bottle sizes and configurations. “There is definitely room for expansion on the line in the future,” he says. “But already we see an increase in capacity somewhere in the range of 200 to 400 percent compared to where we were. This boost in capacity will allow us to meet our growing needs, while keeping Kutol’s TeamMate headcount the same.”
In addition to increased productivity, Rhodenbaugh says Kutol will benefit from using all DTM filling lines because the software and hardware is the same, making it easier to train operators across all the lines. “All of the equipment behaves the same way,” notes Rhodenbaugh, “and all the buttons mean the same so the operators have a familiarity with the machinery and can easily move from one line to the other and keep product running throughout the plant.”
Rhodenbaugh表示,Kutol也与DTM的长期关系中受益。“DTM在机器设计中提供了灵活性,以满足我们的填充需求,”他解释道。事实上,DTM在将其运送到Kutol之前完全集成并测试了Fure Files。
In turn, Kutol will count on the new Purefil line to offer ongoing support to its client base, which includes schools, business offices, medical facilities, and courtrooms that rely on these hand cleaning products. “We will address our customers’ needs with our equipment throughout the pandemic and beyond,” says Rhodenbaugh. “We have a five- to 10-year vision for this new line to support our customers well into the future.”