Step Up Against Foodborne Illness

Nonprofit emphasizes education and proper food safety culture as the means to reducing and preventing contamination.

Stop Foodborne Illness aims to get certain strains of Salmonella in poultry declared pathogens, following the same process it used to combat E.coli.
Stop Foodborne Illness aims to get certain strains of Salmonella in poultry declared pathogens, following the same process it used to combat E.coli.

Food safety is not only affected by supply chain, but it also can impact the entire supply chain. Occurrences span from contaminated water used in the field, to improperly cleaned machines between batches during processing, to consumers cutting lettuce with the same knife they had just used to cut raw chicken. A key part of the solution that these different audiences have in common is education.

Stop Foodborne Illness- 国家公共卫生非营利组织 - 不仅倡导有效的食品制造,食品处理和食品加工的有效食品安全政策和法规,而且还强调需要通过教育改善食品安全文化。根据疾病的中心。控制和预防,约4800万或六分之一,美国人每年都会经历食源性疾病,其中128,000名需要住院治疗和3,000款导致死亡。

“Stop delivers the ‘why’ in educating individuals about food safety by sharing real stories of severe foodborne illness. We explain that people lose their lives due to lack of food safety measures and food safety culture. Training and education are key to reducing the incidence of foodborne illness and specifically outbreaks due to poor handling of food,” says Mitzi Baum, chief executive officer, Stop. Baum, who is an adjunct instructor for Michigan State University’s online food safety program, is also a member of the International Association of Food Protection, the Conference for Food Protection, and the Association of Food and Drug Officials.

Two particular areas of concern are:

  • 生产和t Poultry-there很多机会hroughout the growing/raising, transportation, and delivery of products for mishandling, meaning that product may arrive at a processing plant already contaminated.
  • Frozen foods—maintaining the right temperatures throughout the supply chain until it is used by the consumer can prove difficult without proper cold chain technologies and handling.

Food safety culture, the strongest preventive measure


Baum notes that leadership should empower its employees to report breaches in food safety protocol and institute a reward system for those that muster the courage to say something. This concept is still gaining traction in industry but is a significant factor in developing a food safety culture. Improving that culture is preventing foodborne illness outbreaks and when errors do occur, the right actions are taken to keep consumers safe and prevent reoccurrence in the future.

Salmonellacontinues to be a leading cause of foodborne illness

Stop was initially organized in response to the 1993E.coli.o157:H7与地牛肉相关的爆发,导致四个儿童和疾病的死亡数百人。最近,停止开始与美国农业部的食品安全检查服务(FSIS)合作,以战斗另一个重要的疾病原因:沙门氏菌。非营利性旨在获得某些菌株Salmonellain poultry declared pathogens, following the same process it used to combatE.coli.

“We want to focus on a finished product standard, meaning that there shouldn’t be anySalmonellathat’s known to cause harm in humans when the product is finished and ready for packaging,” says Baum. “Finished product should be tested and if it doesn’t meet the standard, it should not be put into commerce. There currently aren’t enforceable standards that are science-based, risk-based, or tied to public health outcomes.”


For more on Stop’s initiatives regarding Salmonella,visit their siteas well as thisin-depth article由Propublica推出。


The Alliance to Stop Foodborne Illness, a program of Stop, is developing a toolkit on food safety culture for small and medium enterprises that don’t have the financial or human resources to develop and grow their internal cultures. The toolkit is set to be released in spring of 2022.


  • Education on how daily actions contribute to a culture of food safety
  • 活动促进fo的执行概要od safety and how to extend that knowledge across the board
  • Building a positive recognition system for employees to reinforce proper food safety behavior

Stop has also been working on recall modernization with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make it more user friendly for consumers, titled “Collaborative Plan to Achieve Customer-Focused Recall Modernization。” The document outlines the steps needed for the U.S. to improve its antiquated and disjointed recall process.

For more on the recall modernization, check out theNew Era for Smarter Food Safety Plan
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