Taking the Fifth (Panel): Create an Invitation to Engage


Dr. R. Andrew Hurley
Dr. R. Andrew Hurley

Several times a month, individuals, inventors, and startups reach out to me with questions about the best ways of packaging their really cool ideas. One recent conversation was with Clemson alumna Catherine Chapman, co-founder ofBitRip,一种数字磁带,可存储有关应用到的对象的大量信息。他们在线出售磁带,但她正在寻找将其产品包装到零售市场中的想法。

这是一个好问题。数字磁带,可以使用d like a combination sticky note and QR code doesn’t really fit into one particular retail category. It isn’t actually a sticky note, so it doesn’t belong in office supplies. Though it’s tape, it doesn’t really fit in with masking, painting, and duct tapes. It can store digital information, but it isn’t software. It is a completely new concept, and it requires its own unique category. But before consumers can understand it enough to appreciate its many uses, they first need to be educated about what it can do. What I suggested to Catherine, in fact, what I recommend to most of those who ask, is to consider fifth-panel packaging.

What is fifth-panel packaging? Don’t boxes have six sides? Which one is the “fifth” one?

What the term really means is “extra panel.” It’s a common packaging technique for electronics and audio/visual devices. Remember the days when software was purchased in a box, before downloading gigabytes was a realistic scenario? You’d take the box off the shelf, review the front and the back, then open the panel on the front. The little circle of Velcro made a slight scratchy sound like you were opening a book for the first time—a powerful psychological factor that bridged a level of familiarity to the excitement of what was about to be revealed. On those two inside panels, you were able to read more about the features and functions of the software, see screenshots and other graphics, and get a feel for whether this was the right software for your needs. The space provided by the extra panel allowed the software marketers that much more area to communicate value without taking up any additional shelf space or overloading the precious primary display panel (PDP) that needed to grab your attention first.



Beyond just marketing the product, a fifth panel can give consumers a memorable tactile experience before they even purchase the product, providing a kind of unboxing experience right there in the store. Think of a fifth-panel package for the newest in sound-cancelling headphones. You pick the box up off the shelf, loving that satiny feel. The box doesn’t say much, but it doesn’t need to. Still, you turn it over, examining all sides, reading the information that’s there. You get back to the front and slowly open that fifth panel. There’s that scritch that lets you feel you’re the first to crack the spine of this “book” (even though you know you aren’t, you feel like you are). And then, there they are, nestled in the velvet-flocked plastic form are the headphones you’ve been waiting for. You smile and trail your fingers across the matte-finish cellophane, imagining these on your ears, looking like the well-contented, stress-free person sitting in the pastoral scene on the back of the cover you just opened. Yes, you know these will provide all the noise-cancelling bliss you’ve dreamed of.

第五个面板确实需要一些思考,然后才能实施。Quad的创意总监Tobias Watson指出,第五个面板应传达一定的护理和精确度。例如,纸板的厚度将加倍以创建第五个面板,因此,如果您当前使用24分库存,则该面板现在将变为48分。这可以为软件包提供额外的安全性和保护性,但也可能给一些折叠和粘合操作带来挑战。


Read Dr. Hurley's column on the benefits of traditional design prototyping tools.

凭借精心设计的第五面板套件,好处肯定超过了缺点。Periscope的创意总监Richard Gordon-Smith认为第五面板纸箱是品牌体验的经济“拥有元素”。对于大多数人来说,诸如定制瓶形状之类的成本优势可能是一个艰难的决定,但是对于第五板纸箱来说,这一决定不一定是正确的。品牌可以利用这种结构来创造互动体验,通过触觉和触觉来吸引感官,并产生物理空间。戈登·史密斯(Gordon-Smith)描述了大多数品牌如何主要依赖视觉资产,因此第五个面板为在销售点和拆箱期间为消费者提供新的维度开辟了许多可能性。




R. Andrew Hurley博士是克莱姆森大学的副教授。他可以接触到me@drandrewhurley.co

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