Nature Valley is First in Snack Bar Category with 100% Recyclable Film

通用磨坊’ new polyethylene-based film wrap for Nature Valley Crunchy granola bars is certified to carry the How2Recycle label for Store Drop-Off systems.

As its packaging declares, it’s “For the Love of Nature” that通用磨坊has introduceda film wrapper为此大自然谷脆皮的格兰诺拉麦片酒吧that is certified byhow2recyle通过完全可回收Store Drop-Off systems,of which there are currently 1,800 nationwide. Said to be the first in the snack-bar category to produce such a wrapper, General Mills is making the technology available to all comers in the hopes that others CPG brands will follow suit.

正如General Mills发言人Mollie Wulff的股票一样,这一发展使Nature Valley在2025年之前将其所有包装100%可回收的承诺更加接近。制作纸是因为自然谷认为可回收电影是可持续零食包装的未来。

她说:“不到10%的美国人可以使用工业堆肥,但是超过90%的美国人在商店下车地点的10英里内。”“ Nature Valley的新商店可以通过包装和消费者的教育来减少浪费和增加回收利用,从而对减少浪费和增加回收利用产生有意义的影响。”

Read how雀巢实现了其智能包装的“纸张化”。

这部新电影是一部以双轴为导向的聚乙烯,在制作中已经三年了,由自然谷研发科学家与电影转换器合作开发printpack。According to Daniel Cluskey, Product Stewardship Engineer II at Printpack, BOPE works well in a mono-material construction because, when it comes to stiffness and heat resistance, it behaves much more like a biaxially oriented polypropylene—a film typically used in multilayer constructions for snack bar applications—than a cast or blown film. “That allowed us to maintain many of the physical properties that consumers are used to with the Nature Valley bar,” he explains.

Those physical properties included the film’s ability to provide the needed barrier, run on existing packaging lines, seal properly, and provide puncture resistance. The biggest challenge, Cluskey shares, was developing the cold-seal/cold-seal release lacquer. “BOPP films have been specialized over the past several decades to receive and release from the cold-seal adhesive, and Printpack needed to tackle that challenge on a completely new substrate,” he explains.

The film, branded under Printpack’s Preserve™ platform, is an adhesive lamination made from覆盖清漆/玻璃/墨水/粘合剂/金属化的BOPE/冷密封。金属化层提供了屏障,从而允许由它代替的(不可回收的)多层塑料膜提供的六到八个月的货架寿命。克鲁斯基说,可打印性是通过“在Jindal Films和on Printpack’s equipment.” The film is decorated using five-color extended-gamut flexo printing.

Both the new wrapper as well as the secondary paperboard carton that holds the product carry abundant messaging on what to do with the wrapper waste.Both the new wrapper as well as the secondary paperboard carton that holds the product carry abundant messaging on what to do with the wrapper waste.为了将电影推向市场,需要进行多轮材料测试,以确保它可以成功地在自然谷的设备上运行。PrintPack可持续发展总监Dave McClain说,这是PrintPack与品牌所有者之间的合作伙伴关系至关重要的地方。他说:“通用工厂的工程师和运营设备的人们都非常了解和有才华。”“当事情不像现有包装完全一样,需要对'故障模式'的详细信息进行对包装设计的必要调整。”

在新电影通过步伐之后,General Mills提交了基板进行测试The Association of Plastic Recyclers – Film Critical Guidance Test protocol,这确实确定了该材料确实有资格携带其包装上的How2recycle存储标签。

This is a significant milestone for the company, which for some time has championed increased recycling through its involvement with recycling-focused industry organizations. Its new packaging provides the perfect canvas on which to educate consumers on recycling via Store Drop-Off programs. Both the new wrapper as well as the secondary paperboard carton that holds the product carry abundant messaging on what to do with the wrapper waste.

沃尔夫解释说:“我们正在与几个行业合作伙伴合作,以确保消费者获得他们参与商店下车回收所需的信息。”“我们正在使用的两个主要非政府组织是The Recycling Partnership和theWrap Recycling Action Program.每个可回收的自然山谷脆脆的格兰诺拉麦片包装纸都会指导消费者, which is the W.R.A.P. store drop-off directory to help consumers locate a program where they can drop off their recyclable wrappers and other eligible plastics.

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“此外,自然谷已创建了一个信息网页, directing consumers to more information such as what materials, beyond our wrappers, are Store Drop-Off recyclable and examples of aftermarket uses for polyethylene film [synthetic lumber/decking equipment among them].”

The new packaging launched in spring 2021. The environmental impact of the switch, says Wulff, will depend on the wrapper’s ability to inspire Nature Valley’s 100 million U.S. customers to begin using the Store Drop-Off system for all their recyclable films. At this stage, even conservative estimates point to significant success: If just 1% of Nature Valley’s customers start recycling 1 lb of film per person per year, 1 million pounds of plastic will be diverted from landfills annually.

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