PantoneAnnounces Color(s) of the Year 2021

Following an ‘unprecedented’ year, Pantone make an unexpected move, selecting two colors for 2021 as its Color of the Year: one reflecting composure, steadiness, and resilience, and the other, strength and positivity.


Echoing the unexpected events 2020,Pantone—for only the second time in its history—has made the surprising decision to choose two, rather than one, color as its Color of the Year for 2021. The colors are a pairing ofPantone 17-5104 Ultimate Gray和Pantone 13-0647照明。

PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating is described as “a bright and cheerful yellow sparkling with vivacity, a warming yellow shade imbued with solar power.” PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray is said to be emblematic of solid and dependable elements that are everlasting and provide a firm foundation. Says Pantone, “The colors of pebbles on the beach and natural elements whose weathered appearance highlights an ability to stand the test of time, Ultimate Gray quietly assures, encouraging feelings of composure, steadiness, and resilience.”

看:Color Predictions for 2020 Pack Designs

For over 20 years, Pantone’s Color of the Year has influenced product development and purchasing decisions in multiple industries, including fashion, home furnishings, and industrial design, as well as product packaging and graphic design.

根据公司的说法,年度选择过程的Pantone颜色需要周到的考虑和趋势分析。为了每年进行选择,Pantone的Pantone Color Institute的颜色专家梳理了世界,以寻求新的颜色影响。这可以包括娱乐行业和制作中的电影,旅行艺术收藏和新艺术家,时尚,设计领域,流行的旅行目的地以及新的生活方式,游戏风格和社会经济条件。影响也可能源于影响颜色,相关社交媒体平台以及即将举行的体育赛事的新技术,材料,纹理和效果,这些活动吸引了全球关注。


Pantone在反思2021年的选择时说:“ Pantone 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + Pantone 13-0647启发,两种独立的颜色,突出了不同的元素如何相互支持,最好表达2021年Pantone颜色的心情。这是一个颜色的故事,它囊括了更深层的思想感,并带有阳光明媚和友好的事物的希望。”

Pantone Color Institute执行董事Leatrice Eiseman说:“持久的终极灰色与充满活力的黄色照明的结合表达了毅力支持的积极性。实用和坚固的岩石,但同时变暖和乐观,这是一种颜色组合,使我们具有韧性和希望。我们需要感到鼓舞和振奋。这对人类的精神至关重要。”

该公司补充说:“煽动精神,Pantone 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + Pantone的配对13-0647凸显了我们的天生需要被视为可以看到,可以被认可,才能听到我们的声音。颜色与洞察力,创新和直觉以及对智慧,经验和智慧的尊重的结合激发了再生,从而向我们迈向新的思维和概念方式。”
