

Eric G



FDA与对可疑Covid-19产品的制造商的警告分开,FDA在面对紧急情况时一直使用其法律权力以各种方式调整其要求。For example, it’s been working with companies to help them quickly develop valid new drugs to treat, prevent, or cure COVID-19, and it’s been helping speed-to-market new diagnostic tests, masks, hand sanitizer, and other protective equipment and supplies, often by carving away some of the usual regulatory requirements that would otherwise have been required of the products or their makers.


这个大流行启发的主题是剃除监管要求非常符合政府的整体意识形态方法。You may remember that the administration had already imposed a requirement that called on agencies to withdraw two regulations for each new one it makes, and it’s common to hear the president tout his administration’s reduction of "‘regulations," which he talks about as if they are viruses that are always worthy of being eliminated.

What’s more, FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn said in early June, “To the extent that the innovations and adaptations we implemented during the pandemic crisis worked and would be appropriate to implement outside of a pandemic situation, we will incorporate them into standard FDA procedures.”


但是,哈恩重申了该机构对安全的承诺,即使它可以简化某些流程和要求。After all, each of the various requirements imposed on makers of drugs and devices—from registering the factories with FDA to putting specific statements on the products’ labeling to getting agency approval before hitting the market—is designed to help assure the products are safe and effective. Ideally, Congress and FDA should always be looking for ways to make life easier for those who are trying to comply, and harder for those who aren’t.

如果FDA消除其中一些要求,药物和设备是否会降低安全和有效?好吧,我们会看到的。But, as noted, it’s always been true and will continue to be true that the vast majority of regulated businesses try very hard to make products that are made correctly and are safe and effective, so maybe some of those regulatory requirements aren’t needed after all. Remember, FDA has all those powers now, but still the COVID-19 hucksters are trying to sell their questionable products.

长期以来,人们一直在倡导FDA从业务上强加许多要求的业务,这是因为它们是繁重的,并且不会增加安全性。After all, if you look at the history of drug regulation, there was a time when new drugs weren’t approved by FDA before marketing, then there was a time when they were approved by FDA only for their safety, and now the law requires that FDA approve new drugs for their safety and their effectiveness for their intended use.

That’s the law now, but that doesn’t mean it will be the law forever. Sometimes change is gradual, and sometimes a crisis introduces changes that stay.

埃里克·格林伯格(Eric Greenberg)can be reached at greenberg@efg-law.com. Or visit his firm’s Web site atwww.ericfgreenbergpc.com.


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