Unique Shipper for E-comm


Digital laser cutting of paws and dog bones make this a corrugated shipping container that E-comm customers will not soon forget.
Digital laser cutting of paws and dog bones make this a corrugated shipping container that E-comm customers will not soon forget.


Production of the shipper for SpokojenyPes was handled byTHIMM在捷克共和国的Vsetaty的生产植物中。托运人由两部分组成,两个壁挂式涡旋涡旋。在Thimm的Rho 1012纸张喂食数字波纹压力机上完成了710件式运行的印刷Durstand digital laser scoring and cutting was done on THIMM’s Beam 2C from高处

According to THIMM, the key advantage of digital laser scoring and cutting is that it does not require physical or mechanical tools. Laser cutting is very exact and precise, which means even the most complicated shapes and smallest details can be rendered. Formats that are difficult to implement or completely impossible with the classic die-cutting method can be handled with laser die-cutting without problems.

The other key to this technology is that it’s perfectly suitable for customizing corrugated shippers in small quantities. Consumers receiving such a shipper are even inclined to keep it for a time rather than send it straight to the recycling stream—simply because it is so unusually eye-catching. This in turn builds brand recognition and consumer good will for companies like SpokojenyPes that have their shipping containers made with this innovative digital technology.

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