Tuesday with P&G


Pat Reynolds,VP编辑Emeritus
Pat Reynolds,VP编辑Emeritus

In the process of reporting on some of them, I’ve been introduced to a handful of talented P&G designers, chemists, engineers, and marketers, and I was delighted to discover that they were not only accessible but forthcoming, too. So I decided to pitch the idea of P&G being the subject of this year’s View from the Top feature.正如您可以通过封面和故事讲述Packaging World在2019年12月问题上,我的球场落在接受耳朵上。

After some preliminary discussions about what to focus on and whom to interview, we found ourselves barreling down the Indiana interstates headed for the Queen City. Before you could say Herb Tarlek, we had arrived in Cincinnati. Monday evening brought us to the Price Hill West neighborhood, where my wife and I visited her old Chicago high school pal and classmate at Cincinnati’s College of Mount St. Joseph on the Ohio. But Tuesday it was all business. My first stop was an appointment with P&G Research Fellow Ken McGuire and Victor Aguilar, Vice President Corporate Technology Development and Open Innovation, at Beckett Ridge Technical Center—or BRTC as the folks at P&G call it. What an amazing place this corporate R&D campus is. From injection and blow molding machines to both blown and cast film lines to a new lab dedicated to exploring how lasers might be used in packaging, the capabilities and resources were most impressive.
在我的BRTC之旅和附近的晚餐的快速午餐之后,McGuire和我驾驶市中心到公司总部,与Kathy Fish,首席研究,开发和创新官员,以及菲尔邓肯,首席设计官员。两者都是P&G全球领导委员会的高级成员。
In a conference room outside the 11th floor executive offices, Fish and Duncan had thoughtfully arranged an assortment of recently developed packages that they felt would capture what P&G has been up to lately on the packaging front. Some of what I saw there is covered in this issue. But I’d need the entire magazine to cover everything they showed, so my apologies to P&G for having to pick and choose a bit. From a packaging journalist’s viewpoint, what I saw in that conference room could only be described as an embarrassment of riches.
但这是很酷的事情。它不仅仅是企业创新和设计的公司酋长或Beckett Ridge的包装怪人,他认识到P&G的创新包装的重要性。考虑首席执行官大卫泰勒不得不说,在他的9月5日在巴克莱投资银行会议上发言,关于清洁包装先生,您将在本期录取内容:“这些产品创新是以卓越的包装升级推出。清洁怪胎喷雾有一个特殊的触发器,可以分配小喷雾或连续光雾。它们可以喷洒倒置以清洁难以达到的地区,并通过入门套件和重新填充选项提供可持续性和价值。清洁怪胎已经增长了通用清洁空间段,推出了6%,通过以易于使用的格式沟通的卓越包装。消费者了解该价值并爱可持续的再填充模型。“
Organic sales at P&G grew 5% in fiscal 2019, a “significant improvement,” notes Taylor in the letter to shareholders found in P&G’s Annual Report. What may be even more impressive is that global e-commerce organic sales grew 25% for the year, accounting for about 8% of total sales. That reflects favorably on P&G’s ability to navigate the ongoing upheaval in packaging formats and channels of distribution that was set off when the direct-to-consumer e-commerce model began to flex its muscles.
My thanks to Ken McGuire for a memorable Tuesday and to all his P&G colleagues who were so generous with their time.

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