


While asset reliability (AR) means different things to different companies, one common definition that consistently emerges is the concept of zero unplanned downtime. Most everyone can wrap their head around the frustration of seeing a valuable asset sitting idly for no planned reason. The fallout can be devastating in terms of unplanned maintenance costs, reduced overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), missed deliveries and a myriad of other production problems.


为了告知和补充OPX资产可靠性解决方案集团的工作,PMMI的愿景2025次在Pack Expo Las Vegas的课程专注于AR和一些挑战和解决方案。

最值得注意的是,当被问及他们各自的AR旅程的地方 - 初学者,中级,先进 - 最先进的时候,他们刚刚开始,在中间到高级阶段。这是一个指标,即AR过程中有相当的“空白空间”或改进的空间,至少对于Vision 2025参与者。

Overwhelmingly, the participants cite organizational dynamics as one of their greatest difficulties in improving AR. Specifically, they point to a traditional culture of silos rather than a culture of collaboration and cross-functional teams in addressing AR improvements. Most participants would like to see cultural changes that would help with AR improvements, such as stronger relationships with internal and external stakeholders, a team approach to the selection and validation of new equipment, and committing the right people to oversee AR – leadership, operations, data analysts, etc.



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