Massive PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Healthcare Packaging EXPO Mirrors Industry Growth

2019年世界上最大的包装展在2019年 - CAND EXPO LAS VEGAS和共同定位的医疗保健包装展开伴随着美国包装机械市场首次超过110亿美元的预测。

Massive PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Healthcare Packaging EXPO Mirrors Industry Growth
Massive PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Healthcare Packaging EXPO Mirrors Industry Growth

Based on the newly released State of the Industry US Packaging Machinery Report infographic (see image above) by show owner and producerPMMI,这Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, packaging machinery shipments could reach $11.2 billion.

「我们与Pack Expo Las Vegas和Healthcare Packaging Expo的目标一直是提供一流的贸易展览经验,满足现行行业气候的需求,“PMMI总裁兼首席执行官Jim Pittas说。“随着包装市场的增长,我们的表演所以,为参展商提供无穷无尽的机会,向与会者挑战展示他们的解决方案。这是今年唯一在一个屋檐下看到这种多样化的创新系列的地方。“

With 2,000-plus exhibitors convening together with nearly 30,000 attendees across 900,000 net square feet of the Las Vegas Convention Center, the largest PACK EXPO Las Vegas and co-located Healthcare Packaging EXPO to date is positioned to meet industry needs that show no signs of slowing down.

Illustrating findings from PMMI’s State of the Industry U.S. Packaging Machinery Report, the infographic shows the value of domestic shipments of packaging machinery rose 6 percent to $8.7 billion in 2018 – and are forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 4 percent through 2024.

“The outlook for the packaging machinery market continues to be robust,” says Jorge Izquierdo, vice president, market development, PMMI. “We anticipate growth in major market segments such as pharmaceuticals, as well as food and beverage with flexible packaging continuing to make inroads on rigid packaging.”

这market for flexible packaging is flourishing and at the expense of cartons and bottles, but the throughput rates of rigid packaging are still significantly higher than those of pouches.

食品代表2018年最大的包装机械部门,占货运收入的38.8%,其次是饮料,饮料为23.6%。预计药品部门预计将增长到2024年,以4.4%,但饮料并不落后,预测为4.1%。虽然2018年最大的机械类型类别是在15.1%的情况下处理,但预测表格/填充/密封设备将增长到2024年,CAGR为4.7%。通过预期的预期增长的填充和给药机械 - 预计将在接下来的最快增长到2024年,CAGR为4.1%。

Executive Summaryof the 2019 State of the Industry Report is now available for download at

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