

The new clear plastic cartons allow consumers a true view of what they are buying.
The new clear plastic cartons allow consumers a true view of what they are buying.

Van der Hagen Enterprises, owned by Universal Beauty Products, Inc., Glendale Heights, IL, is a premier global manufacturer of men’s toiletries such as specialty soaps, safety razors, and razor blades. In 2015, when Universal Beauty Products acquired Van der Hagen, the company’s safety razors and blades were being packaged and marketed in opaque paperboard folding cartons. But UBP saw potential to package these products in a more shelf-impactful way.


因此,决定从不透明纸板折叠纸箱转换,从而清除塑料折叠纸箱HLP Klearfold.。The Klearfold® cartons are manufactured using .012 APET (amorphous polyester) and are offset printed in a 4-color process—three special colors, varnish, plus a pattern-applied silk screen coating that provides a distinctive texture and tactile effect to the carton’s side panels.

纸箱采用HLP Klearfold的专有软折痕射频评分技术进行评分,以确保均匀的折痕,干净的线条和顶部凹口外观。纸箱易于折叠耐折叠。纸箱是手动设置和装载。

Klearfold还生产透明的塑料.026 Apet托盘,其中剃须刀和5计数刀片包嵌套。这些保护渣增强了产品呈现的整体整体性。

目前,Van der Hagen产品rketed by many major retailers—including Walmart, Walgreens, Target, Rite Aid, and Amazon. Korhan Beba, VP of Marketing for Universal Beauty Products, notes, “We’ve received positive feedback from our retailers regarding the new package design, and we believe customers will appreciate and be enticed by a sneak peek at the razor before purchasing. The cost difference between the previous paperboard cartons and the new Klearfold cartons is about 60%, but we are not passing this additional cost to our consumers. We believe we can make up for it with the expected increase in sales due to the significant improvement in presentation and visual appeal.”

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