
Packaging World has clearly been a leader in reporting on a key critical issue that all packaging professionals must wrestle with today: sustainable packaging.

甚至在我们制作之前Field Guide to Sustainable Packaging—which has now sold more than 1,500 copies to people in more than 30 countries—we played a key role in convening a 2003 industry meeting whose attending companies went on to become the founding members of what is today known as the Sustainable Packaging Coalition.

在过去的两年中,我们还在2月,7月和12月携带了特殊的可持续包装部分。这些包括采访与沃尔玛的艾米Zettlemoyer-Lazar和P&G的Tony Burns等关键思想领袖。在即将到来的12月期间寻找此特别部分,我们将讨论克拉特在可持续包装举措方面做的事情。并在明年的2月,7月和12月和12月的可持续包装部分的景点。

While I’m terribly proud of the work we’ve done so far on the sustainable packaging beat, I do believe we’ve outdone ourselves with the Greener Package Awards competition, the coverage of which graces this issue. A total of 51 entries poured into our offices, and they came to us from around the world. For a first-time competition making its debut in a severe recession, I’d say that’s pretty remarkable.

From those 51 entries, our judges selected 10 winners. I hope some of you had a chance to see them on display recently at the Showcase of Packaging Innovations at Pack Expo Las Vegas. I would certainly encourage you to take a good look at them in our coverage in this issue. It begins on page 40.

奖项只是GreenerPackage.com的一个组成部分。如果您还没有访问过这个独特的地方 - 一个致力于围绕可持续包装旋转的主题的“知识交流” - 你真的应该。其一部分上诉是它是如此互动。它不仅可以通过可持续的包装思想领导者突破新闻和博客。它还拥有一个热闹的讨论部分,游客可以占据40多个人来自CPG公司,协会和构成我们更环保的专家咨询小组的其他相关组织的问题。


Getting back to the award winners, one of the things that strikes me about the descriptions that begin on page 40 is how many of them include an element of “you-ain’t-seen-nuthin’-yet.” Frito-Lay’s Sun Chips bag, for example, is only stage one of a process that will culminate in a 100% compostable bag. And look at Marks & Spencer. Recognizing that further progress in sustainable packaging is essential, it works closely with government, industry, and NGOs with an eye to what the future can bring. ConAgra’s Gail Tavill also has the future in her sights. Now that ConAgra has solved the riddle of implementing recycled content into a traditionally nonrecycled material, she points out, “Our future objective is to work with key players in this industry to develop a recycling infrastructure that will be able to collect and reprocess CPET trays.”

我们at.Packaging Worldhave a future objective, too: To remain your most reliable source of information on the sustainable packaging movement as well as on all things packaging.
