

PW 6063 Greenbottle 8

Earlier this summer, the U.K.’s Food and Farming Minister, Lord Rooker, called for the dairy industry to become more sustainable, targeting 50% reduction of plastics used in milk packaging as a key goal for 2020. The milk market has a diversity as varied and wide as Europe, and includes these examples:

•萨福克Marybelle乳制品从2008年底开始sell its semi-skimmed milk in ASDA stores located in eastern England in the new GreenBottles fromGreenBottle Ltd.(www.greenbottle.com)。Greenbottle用回收的办公纸和低密度塑料衬里替换传统的HDPE牛奶瓶。阿斯达(Asda)的克里斯·布朗(Chris Brown)说:“牛奶是我们最畅销的产品之一,因此,我们有责任开发替代包装,使我们的客户更容易绿色,并帮助他们在家中回收。绿瓶坚固,实用,适合[这个]。”PIRA INTL完成的GreenBottle的生命周期评估(LCA)。发现Greenbottle的碳足迹比HDPE牛奶瓶低48%。

•塞恩斯伯里(Sainsbury)在乳制品冠上首次亮相的jugit,其中包括与专门可重复使用的水罐结合使用的牛奶塑料袋。由RPC Market Rasen(www.rpc-marketrasen.co.uk), the jug’s two-piece lid features a hollow spike attachment that perforates the pouch when closed. The top of the attachment flips open to provide a handy, reclosable spout.

•乳业冠也参与了一个项目Nampak(eu.plastics.nampak.com) to remove the handles from 1- and 2-pint plastic milk bottles. A handle-free bottle would be 10% lighter, and could reduce the use of HDPE by 5,000 tons/yr.


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