Triple-gusset stand-up pouch

DuPont Awards’ 19th editionThe 19th annual DuPont Awards Competition once again shines the spotlight on innovation in packaging. From 135 entries, 26 packs received awards.

Pw 9499 Silver Flex Ind Salt R

Special 1-kg stand-up pouch packaging for India-based Ankur’s “Lo Sodium Salt” has earned a DuPont Silver Award for Flex Industries Ltd., ( the firm that did the designing, printing, and finishing of the packaging.

The 4.25” wide x 7.75” tall pouch construction incorporates both clear and opaque-white films, seven-color rotogravure printing, and two side gussets and one bottom gusset—all combining to make the packaging stand out on the shelf. The pouch is made from five different webs, and the package’s front, back, and two side gussets are registered. Side gusseting is made of transparent material, enabling consumers to see the package contents. This package design format can be easily adjusted to accommodate a range of products such as rice, snack foods, etc.

Ankur introduced the packaging to the India consumer market place in May 2005. Ankur managing director Ashok Parakh says of the new stand-up pouch, “We think it’s a great package, and market response has been overwhelming.”

—Judy Rice

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