
AW 107508 Hutchinson


It’s much easier to look back over the long history of political, societal, economic or technological developments and connect the dots to analyze how a particular trend developed. It’s more difficult to do that in real time as the trend is developing. But that’s where we find ourselves today trying to decipher the progress of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). One aspect of the trend, however, is becoming very clear—to lead you have to partner.

This reality seems to be growing out of the speed at which the IIoT is being accepted and implemented.

During his presentation at the Industrial Internet Consortium’s (IIC) second annual IoT Solutions World Congress 2016 in Barcelona, Spain, Mark Hutchinson, president and CEO of GE Europe, explained that the recent transformation of GE from an industrial company to a digital industrial company stemmed from a great deal of executive concern about “who would eat our lunch.” Noting that companies need to be concerned about who will own the digital space between them and their customers, Hutchinson said, “If it’s not you, you become a commodity and can be disintermediated. But your knowledge of your business puts you in the best space to understand this and take advantage of it.”

捕获的是,公司没有很多时间来加快这一速度。哈钦森说:“当杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)将六西格玛(Six Sigma)带到通用电气(GE)时,他接受了五年的培训。”“有了IIOT,您没有那么多时间。因此,我们开始雇用更多来自Google之类的外部技术公司的人,”并鼓励GE内的每个人追赶。

Outlining his four keys to getting an effective start with IIoT, Hutchinson said:Description: http://cdn.oas-c17.adnxs.com/RealMedia/ads/Creatives/default/empty.gif/0

  • 基线您在当前的数字工业能力中拥有什么;
  • 建立愿景和路线图 - 提高机会并包括变更管理计划;
  • 快速获胜 - 几周内创造价值;和
  • 不要害怕伴侣。他说:“我们现在有260多个合作伙伴来帮助建立我们的工业应用程序经济。”“你自己做不到。”

Echoing Hutchinson’s comments about the need for partnerships in the IIoT era, James Kirkland, chief architect, Internet of Things at Red Hat, said during a panel session at the IOT Solutions World Congress: “If you try to eat the entire elephant yourself, you're going to fail.”

GE’s IIoT partners include Cisco, Cognizant, Dell, AT&T, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Oracle and PTC. Some of these companies could be considered competitive to GE around certain products, services and markets.See all of GE's partners here.

这个非传统的合作主题也是电动汽车ident in a presentation at the IoT Solutions World Congress by John Roese, executive vice president and CTO of the newly createdDell EMC

罗斯戴尔EMC与如何解释道shiba Corporation—which has historically been a major competitor to Dell in the PC marketplace—on an IIC testbed to jointly develop a deep learning platform. Toshiba and Dell will use the testbed to verify the effectiveness of applying deep learning to IoT platforms and establish best practices to improve the availability of machines, optimize monitoring equipment—including sensors—and reduce maintenance costs. For the testbed, Toshiba will provide deep learning technology for analyzing and evaluating big data, and Dell EMC will provide high-speed storage technologies.

