The FORCE2 will be demonstrated at Quad-A (The Army Aviation Mission Solutions Summit: Atlanta, GA – April 28-30).
一个坚固的、预先集成的小型系统for mission computing and avionics display, the FORCE2 comprises a high TRL (technology readiness level) SBC314 3U VPX single board computer and graphics card housed in a robust enclosure to deliver unprecedented levels of performance in demanding video and image applications.
The FORCE2 is highly differentiated from alternative solutions in that it will be supported by DO-254 artifacts suitable for use in systems requiring Design Assurance Level (DAL) A, the highest level of assurance.
“Certification is a huge cost incurred by in-house development of safety-critical systems which, allied to the high cost of system development, can make such solutions prohibitively expensive,” said Chris Lever, VP, Product Management at Abaco Systems. “Moreover, such in-house developments are typically high risk, with associated potential impact on cost and schedule over-run. The FORCE2 can substantially reduce those high costs, and also represents minimal risk in that it is pre-integrated and built using proven, high TRL hardware and software components. It is a compelling, highly viable alternative to the in-house development of certifiable solutions.”
The FACE (Future Airborne Capability Environment) approach is a government-industry software standard and business strategy for acquisition of affordable software systems that promotes innovation and rapid integration of portable capabilities across global defense programs. The Open Group FACE Consortium was formed in 2010 to define an open avionics environment for all military airborne platform types. Its aims are, among others, to leverage the interoperability and portability of open standards to ensure that more capabilities reach the warfighter faster and at lower cost, and to stimulate innovation and competition within the avionics industry.
The FORCE2 features either a 1.4GHz quad-core or a 1.8GHz 8-core NXP (formerly Freescale) QoriQ Power Architecture processor with up to 4GBytes of memory. Advanced graphics capability is provided by an AMD Radeon™ E8860 GPU with 2GBytes of DDR5 memory. A range of avionics I/O is supported including ARINC-429 and MIL-STD-1553. DVI and VGA video outputs are featured.
Force2的软件环境(操作系统和I/O服务)与面部计划的要求保持一致,并包括对OpenGL SC的VXWorks 653的支持。