Abaco Systems Announces Software Tool to Speed and Reduce Cost of Development While Maximizing Performance

Abaco Systems today announced AXIS EventView, an innovative software tool designed to enable customers to reduce the complexity, time and cost of developing, testing and debugging sophisticated multi-processor, compute-intensive embedded applications while maximizing their performance.

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Recently applied in the development of a radar application, EventView allowed developers to rapidly identify the bottlenecks in a multi-threaded algorithm and helped them target the relevant 'pain-points' and inefficiencies in their code. This allowed performance of the algorithm to be improved by a factor of four in just two weeks.

“我们的客户告诉我们,他们承受着最小化开发周期时间,最大化生产率并减少部署时间的压力,” Abaco Systems的产品管理副总裁Chris Lever说,同时他们需要提取最大的性能从其系统中的基础硬件出发。我们设计了EventView,以帮助客户优化其应用程序并满足这些要求。”

Axis EventView是一种性能分析或“事件分析仪” - 提供了“ C” API库,该工具用于通过记录事件来仪器代码,以及GUI查看器来分析后续事件迹线并确定应用程序行为。它为应用程序开发人员提供了对应用程序性能的视觉分析,而不是市场上的其他分析工具。

EventView可以快速识别瓶颈和非确定性行为。快速学习且易于使用,它是高度便携式的,并且在所有当前平台上运行。它的API在Linux,Windows®和VXWorks®平台上工作,而EventView GUI在Windows和Linux上运行。支持的基础硬件体系结构包括Intel®,ARM和PowerPC/Power Architecture;还支持混合体系结构系统。

EventView也是Abaco的Axis Advanced多处理器集成集成开发工具中的一个元素,该工具旨在简化基于多处理器平台创建DSP应用程序的过程。Axis为开发人员提供了提高生产力所需的工具,并在很大程度上使他们摆脱了基础硬件体系结构的复杂性。

>> For more information please clickhere.
