现在推出了新的Leine&Linde Model PSE 923编码器,以满足钢铁,采矿和重型设备行业的需求。它的紧凑型尺寸比更大的解决方案提供了更高的性能,使其适用于更广泛的应用程序。
The foundation of the 900 encoder series is a solid aluminum housing incorporating bearings that are twice the size of competitive designs. The optimized housing design is in some cases less than one third the size and weight of competing products, without compromising resistance to potentially destructive environmental conditions. The dual bearing sets within the PSE 923 Duo-encoder set the standard for heavy-duty applications where shock, vibration and shaft loads are extreme.
The PSE 923 Duo can provide absolute rotary position values with up to 19 bits single-turn and 12 bits turn-counting, for a 31 bit measurement capability. Incremental outputs are available in any resolution up to 32768 ppr (215).
>> For more information on these encoders, clickhere