LED Remote Phosphor Linear Series Now Available

Horner Lighting Group自豪地宣布推出其新的高输出LED远程磷光线线性产品线。这条新产品线为室内地区提供了各种选择,包括高/中/低湾和过道照明应用,是照明行业的首先选择。


Horner Lighting Group自豪地宣布推出其新的高输出LED远程磷光线线性产品线。这条新产品线为室内地区提供了各种选择,包括高/中/低湾和过道照明应用,是照明行业的首先选择。
“We are excited to introduce a new Generation of Solid State Lighting (SSL). LED’s have recently moved into the main stream within the lighting world, and early adopters of this technology will reap the benefits," said Phil Horner, CEO, Horner Lighting Group.
新的Horner LED远程磷光线线性产品线节省了安装时间,产品更换寿命,并通过各种CRI选项来增强工作环境。Horner Lighting Group采用时尚的设计,各种选择和无与伦比的光质量,努力通过这种具有成本效益的解决方案来提高客户室内照明需求的标准。
“The future in SSL is incredible as traditional materials will be abandoned to thermal plastics and films to improve the lighting experience and efficiencies. At Horner Lighting Group, we plan to lead the way in these advancements and are excited to be launching our innovative LED Remote Phosphor Linear line as a first step in this path,” said Horner.
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