1。实施阶段。If you are connecting several pieces of equipment to a remote monitoring system, first connect a few strategic ones and run for several days to understand issues in the environment or with connectivity, user expectations, usage patterns, etc. Once you get this feedback and fine-tune the system, scaling is not that difficult. But if you start directly with all the assets, this would just multiply any problems.
3。监视系统。如果你要从机器usi收集数据ng PLCs, you need to include some level of system monitoring. It may be as simple as a "Ping" test to the PLC or a bit toggle where the application sets or resets a bit. In any case, the communications link should be monitored and alerts created when they fail. The alert can be as simple as a line-side machine alarm or sending an alert email to a group email for IT and technicians, or even to a centralized operations center monitor. Monitoring and notification do not need to be complex to be effective.
Monitoring and diagnostics are critical factors in asset management programs. Here are four recommendations for creating more effective monitoring systems: