Board-to-Wire Connector with Locking Mechanism

创新连接器解决方案开发的领导者Hirose Electric推出了一个狭窄的1毫米螺距,板到线连接器,可大大降低所需的PC板安装区域。

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AW 14359 HI083 DF50系列PR图像

创新连接器解决方案开发的领导者Hirose Electric推出了一个狭窄的1毫米螺距,板到线连接器,可大大降低所需的PC板安装区域。这些微型连接器被指定为DF50系列,具有一个积极的锁定机构,位于连接器的中心,无论重复循环的数量如何,都可以提供清晰的触觉点击感觉。这种创新的闩锁旨在防止通常归因于侧锁并防止交配不完整的不平衡锁定。DF50系列连接器同时出现锁定功能和接触交配。独特的声音点击确认已经达到了安全的交配序列,并且在处理高振动应用程序和其他关键应用程序时是一个有价值的功能。

The DF50 Series connector has a robust and reliable lance structure with a high cable pull force of 10N minimum to prevent contacts from pulling loose during installation. Offering high-contact reliability via an effective mating length and a 2-point contact system, the DF50 Series board-to-wire connector is designed with blade type contacts attached to a thick, resilient housing wall that is resistant to cracking or deformation normally caused by wrenching forces during assembly. The contacts utilize a nickel barrier plating to prevent solder wicking and this plating also helps to provide these connectors with its excellent soldering performance.

“The advanced design of the 1 mm pitch DF50 Series connector affords design flexibility by increasing available PCB real estate while providing sufficient contact area for efficient automatic pick and place handling” said Rick van Weezel, vice president of sales and marketing for Hirose Electric USA. “The connector also provides substantial safety measures by way of the positive, tactile response from the lock mechanism. Also, due to the design of the lock mechanism, the risk of the cable assemblies becoming tangled during assembly or delivery has been virtually eliminated.”

The RoHS-compliant DF50 Series connector is ideal for LCD, LCD TVs, PDP, wireless LANs, office equipment, high vibration applications such as notebook PCs/laptop computers, industrial control units, automotive audio and navigation systems, medical devices, commercial gaming equipment and consumer hobby applications such as remote controlled cars and airplanes.

DF50系列连接器以直角和直角版本提供,可单行2至16个位置或带有30位置的双路。DF50系列的电流额定值为每引脚1A,电压额定值为100 VAC / DC,接触电阻在20 mV时最大50 mO(1 MA)(1 MA),工作温度范围为-35°C至85°C。

