Less than 40% of all respondents see predictive analytics as important or most critical, compared to over 85% who see actual values as important or most critical. This look back is beneficial in real time with the opportunity to predict or look forward on the horizon. Averages, variance and trends are also considered important or most critical by over half of respondents. The Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) in conjunction with its media partner IndustryWeek today released the findings of a joint research study in MESA White Paper #40 Performance Improvement and Metrics Practices.
Study Finds Metrics Make for Successful Companies
More of the manufacturers and producers who improved their profits significantly also use metrics consistently and align corporate objectives with operational metrics compared to their peers.
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Mar 16th, 2012
This research also indicates that while most manufacturers have undertaken performance improvement initiatives such as Lean manufacturing, total quality management, and six sigma, most are not consistent in using metrics. Fewer than two in five respondents report that their companies always use metrics to improve performance. About 45% report that they sometimes do, but over 15% report that they do not often or never use metrics to improve performance. So these data-oriented initiatives may not deliver the intended benefits or are only used in a portion of the business, since metrics serve to focus the activities.
这群受访者主要是董事和经理,但23%的高管和14%的主管和工作人员也会回应。他们对指标的可用性的满意度 - 使合理决策变化。虽然没有团队领导人非常非常满意,但三分之一都非常满意,使他们高于高级管理人员和经理/项目经理的重大/非常显着满足感,却将其近在咫尺。董事(25%)和工作人员(20%)不太可能在及时决策所需的可用绩效指标非常明显或非常明显满足。