10 Mistakes Leaders Should Avoid at All Costs

Enrique P. Fiallo, author, speaker, and blogger on purposeful leadership, wrote a “guest post” on Michael Hyatt’s blog (http://bit.ly/AbVoxQ). Check out the page for the complete post. Here is a summary of his Ten Mistakes.

  1. 骄傲和傲慢。The downfall of many leaders is their early successes begin to inflate their egos.
  2. 负面影响。调整价值的声音并调整其他人。
  3. Lacking Integrity.有很多事情,你可以缺乏疾病,仍然可以避免危险。完整性不是其中之一。
  4. Majoring in Minor Things.从长远来看,你不能成功,宽10英里深。
  5. 避免。If there are things that you can do, and should do, then do them.
  6. 缺乏价值观。核心价值观是没有哪些生命(或业务)不会值得过的原则。
  7. 盲目信任人。前总统罗纳德里根说,“信任但核实”。
  8. Spin Doctoring.许多企业公关部门教授高管,为掩盖真实事实提供仔细制作的答案。出现事实,讲述真相,传达完整的故事,让芯片落在他们可能的地方。
  9. 短切。The ethical, values-based and successful leader understands the law of the farm.
  10. 短期焦点。不要蚕食未来结果以满足现在的季度。

>> Read Michael's Hyatt's blog and Enrique Fiallo's full guest-post athttp://bit.ly/aroundweb181

>>点击这里to read Automation World's complete feature "Orchestrating Success: Leadership Advice from the Pros"
