Acsis ProducTrak brings real-time connectivity to every point in the supply chain, from incoming materials, through manufacturing, warehousing and distribution.
Acsis ProducTrak accomplishes this by providing the one thing that's missing from the typical multi-million dollar ERP system - namely, the infrastructure to manage any number of data collection points (e.g., label scanners, PLCs, label printers, and a host of other real-time devices) right there where the action is, on the shop floor and in the warehouse. The best news of all: it delivers robust "shop-floor to top-floor" connectivity with limited impact on the IT department and for a fraction of the cost of implementing other IT and ERP systems.
With Acsis ProducTrak, the enterprise gets the real-time data it needs for effective management. This unique system tells the what, when and where a product was sent, omitting the guesswork and reporting inaccuracies in the process. This consistent, granular data is the key to providing a true picture of product movement throughout the extended supply network and is the basis for the ProducTrak solution suite.
ACSIS ProductRak应用程序由ACSIS访问RACK®Foundation提供支持,可以将其配置为实时或任务完成,此外,它还可以在ERP中断时保持生产。通过无线连接和通过网络接口的能力,ACSIS访问Round允许与内部数据收集设备以及全球使用标准Web浏览器(例如智能手机)无限制连接。
"For more than 15 years, Acsis, Inc. has been at the forefront in delivering end-to-end supply chain visibility, allowing manufacturers to track products from the raw material to the retailer, or dispensing site," said Neil Thall, the company's CEO and President. "A 2015 government mandate requires pharmaceutical companies and its supply chains to identify and track products at the item level, with the possibility that food, chemical and most consumer products would not be far behind. Acsis ProducTrak not only meets the government's requirements, but exceeds them by providing the necessary data to identify products at any given time in the supply chain.
"In addition, our new cloud-based strategy enhances the ability to track and report on all supply chain activities and events from any location for a complete end-to-end visibility solution," Thall continued. "Any company that invests in our system is getting a built-in safety net and will be ready for these changes now, rather than at the 11th hour, as well as having an extensible foundation for future business requirements."
Productrak Suite包括:
• ProducTrak Asset Management - Tracks enterprise-owned reusable devices or containers wherever they may be in the supply chain. Manages service life issues, deposits, rentals and purchases to optimize asset-turn.
•ProductRak Mobile - ProductRak Mobile是一个应用程序,它将任意数量的移动手持计算机连接到访问RACK基础层,该计算机通过ERP系统收到的手持式任务说明。在管理级别,ProductRak Mobile在KPI式仪表板上实时显示交易。ProductRak Mobile兼容最多提供的移动手持设备。
•ProductRak SPDM(序列化包装数据管理) - 主要用于生命科学行业,受强制遵守和电子统治法规。SPDM在整个制造和分配中管理序列化(和非序列化)产品的包装,标签和移动,包括外包业务。
• ProducTrak Rework - a set of specialized transactions to manage the repacking of serialized and non-serialized products and tracks the packaging genealogy, or parent-child relationships, throughout the distribution network.
•ProductRak Parcel Pack - 允许用户选择序列化和非序列化产品的任何混合,用于装运,称重,标签,并在现场提供所有所需的送货信息 - 所有这些都按照ERP系统的指示和验证。
•Productrak Partner Management - 基于Web的双向框架,可与外部供应商,合同制造商,包装商,分销商和第三方物流提供商合作。
Acsis, Inc.
Acsis, Inc., today announced new releases of Acsis ProducTrak, a suite of data collection and task management software that adds functionality to major ERP systems including SAP, Oracle, and J. D. Edwards.
This content was submitted directly to this website by the supplier.
Feb 21st, 2012