Software Users Take a Team Approach



操作管理软件在制造业中发挥着关键作用ization and data collection applications through integration with corporate business systems. Robust software applications that deliver proven results providecompetitive advantage in the global marketplace.

How is industry stacking up? What are the best practices to purchase, implement and manage OperationsManagement software? And whom do manufacturersturn to for information and application assistance?

回答这些问题,自动化世界骗局ducted an exclusive survey of manufacturing software在印度工作的用户和系统集成商(SIS)tries that span automotive, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical to chemical, petroleum and fabricated metals, among others. The survey, conducted in June, askedrespondents about their purchasing, implementation andmanagement practices for Operations Management soft洁具,包括人机界面(HMI),supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA),制造执行系统(MES),制造业情报与企业资源规划(ERP)集成应用程序。超过350名收件人COMpleted the survey, with some surprising results.

操作管理软件is no longer工程师和运营商的独家领域。在事实,以21%的组织,信息Technology (IT) department has primary responsi持续管理运营的效力管理软件。工程有主要的在48%的组织中担任责任维护是15%和操作的主要初级在13%的组织中。

Overall, 71 percent of respondents say that engineering plays a role in the ongoing management of
Operations Management software, almost 50 percentsay IT shares a role, 32 percent say maintenance hasa role and 31 percent say operations shares a role inthe ongoing management of applications.

谈到购买操作时管理软件,再次有一个团队方法。While 82 percent of respondents say they are personally involved in the purchase of Operations Managementsoftware, these respondents represent a multitude of部门。要求选择所有部门organizations who are involved in purchasing decisionsfor Operations Management software, 69 percent ofrespondents say engineering is involved; 48 percentsay plant management is involved; IT, operations and维护涉及38%,36%和34 percent respectively; and the executive C-level is参与购买的33%。奇怪的是,再保险spon凹痕说采购部门参与其中only 20 percent of organizations.

Operator Interface/HMI was the most widely选定类型的操作管理软件used in manufacturing organizations, as indicatedby 87 percent of the respondents. SCADA software第二,选择了74%的受访者。Other types of Operations Management software used制造机构包括生产管理(40%),绩效管理(25 percent), Enterprise Integration (23 percent) and

Manufacturing organizations are results-driven, with 72 percent of organizations saying they purchase and use Operations Management software to increase productivity, 68 percent buy to provide greater process visibility, and almost 60 percent buy to reduce downtime and increase quality. These performance issues will likely increase the popularity of Performance Management and Manufacturing Intelligence software applications for future purchases.


Of the various ways to purchase software, the largest percentage (44 percent) purchase through distributors. Additionally, 41 percent purchase software through system integrators (SIs), 35 percent through a global contract with a software supplier and 35 percent purchase locally, on a project-by-project basis. Only 17 percent of respondents purchase software through a corporate




For the highest level of implementation success, software users say the best practice is to run a pilot program (ranked high by 70 percent of respondents), followed by using internal corporate engineering resources (63 percent) and system integrators (59 percent). A major simultaneous rollout across the corporation was voted as the least successful way to implement projects, with only 27 percent of respondents ranking this method as high.

Survey recipients were asked how satisfied they are with the purchasing process, implementation process and management of their Operations Management software. Those factors ranked highest in purchasing satisfaction include: on-time delivery (given a high ranking by 58 percent of respondents); knowledge of the salesperson (55 percent); and ongoing service contract (50 percent). While software users may not have the highest level of trust for salespeople, they acknowledge that salespeople know their products.



Clearly, the market for Operations Management software is looking for performance-driven results across a variety of operational and management parameters. Survey results indicate that successful applications share these characteristics:

  • Leverage a team that includes engineering, IT and operations
  • Access the capabilities of corporate engineering, system integrators和其他行业参考
  • Roll out software using pilot projects
  • 提供可测量的益处和结果驱动的性能。


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