New exoskeleton enters industrial wearable market


The Comau Mate exoskeleton is designed to assist shoulder 'flexo-extension' movement.
Comau Mate Exoskeleton设计用于帮助肩部“柔性伸展”运动。

Earlier this year, we covered the integration of automation technologies with workers in our feature“Are You Ready for Operator 4.0?”与新进步一样快,如合作机器人和增强现实,这些技术就可以在即将到来的内容方面代表冰山一角。

Comau’s recent announcement of its forthcoming Mate exoskeleton provides another glimpse into the near-term future of industrial work. First showcased at Automatica in Munich in late June, Comau describes Mate as a lightweight exoskeleton designed to assist shoulder “flexo-extension” movement. Three elements compose the lightweight (3.0 kg) Mate exoskeleton.

  • Garment interface—the parts in direct contact with the user’s body;
  • 扭矩发生器盒 - 存储和转换潜在的机械能,以产生七个可调辅助扭矩;和
  • 机械肩部链部分,便于使用者的自由运动,例如滑动和旋转接头。

根据Comau,援助水平的选择from the torque generator box is based on the user’s body proportions and ergonomic considerations. Calculation of the optimal assistance torque is dependent on the task to be carried out. “The user provides the strength, control and balance while the exoskeleton transfers much of the burden away from the arms to the pelvis,” Comau says. “This ensures greater comfort for the worker and increases work quality and efficiency by providing consistent movement assistance during manual and repetitive tasks.”

外骨骼有两种尺寸:S / M和L / XL,具有与人体接触的所有部件可调节到任何体形。

“Mate has been designed in close collaboration with factory workers in response to their specific needs,” said Tobias Daniel, vice president of Comau’s robotics and automation products global sales & marketing. “With our exoskeleton, workers will be able to do the same tasks, but with less fatigue.”


工厂worker tasks for which Comau sees initial use of Mate include: assembly, packaging and stock management; filling machines and retrieval of finished products off conveyor lines; gripping or holding items; operating vibrating hand tools; automotive underbody and finishing phase work; as well as gluing, drilling or painting.

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