The pathway to profitability

Leveraging success, one bite at a time, can pay off and accelerate an employee engagement adoption process that leads to your desired results.

Paul Schaum, COO of Pretzels, Inc.
Paul Schaum, COO of Pretzels, Inc.

劳动力engagement programs used to drive improved results have been more of an aspiration in the CPG industry. For many companies, it has been difficult or too unclear to quantify. Now, by usingPMMI的OPX领导网络的劳动力参与框架,有一种盈利能力的途径。问题是如何开始旅程。

One widely held belief is that to effect change, companies must think “new.” In other words, you must launch a major新的initiative in a新的植物与A.新的workforce. Then, over time, you can leverage those experiences across all the plants in your company. True, but too often companies can become overwhelmed by legacy processes, labor contracts, and increasing customer requirements that can impede implementation in the other plants.

But leveraging success, one bite at a time, can pay off handsomely. It can actually accelerate the adoption process that leads to your desired results.

Pretzels, a private-label food manufacturer that supplies high-quality baked snacks to well-known companies and store brands across the United States and Europe. The company was founded in 1978 in Bluffton, Indiana, and produced its first pretzel in 1979. Over the years, the workforce has expanded to more than 400 people running 11 pretzel and extruding lines in two facilities.

I joined Pretzel’s Inc. in the spring of 2016. Shortly after, we were faced with the daunting challenge of building a new peanut butter pretzel facility to replace the Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, facility that burned down on June 4, 2016. We used that opportunity to build a state-of-the-art snack foods plant in Plymouth, Indiana, and launch it with high-performance work teams, which was a dramatic shift from our legacy model. Utilizing the OpX Workforce Engagement model and theFSO Instituteto help coach implementation of the teams, we experienced an incredibly fast and successful startup. With that success in place, we recognized that it was time to refocus on improving operations at the legacy facility in Bluffton.

We knew we could not just mandate such changes, but we had to engage the entire workforce to embrace actions and processes that are good for them and the company as well.

为了实现可持续成功,FSO研究所的制造业首席教练Dan Sileo,建议椒盐脆饼,Inc。对于公司和个人来说。“

Together with plant management, we concluded that the initial focus was to engage the traditional workforce into owning improvements with sustained results. We chose on-floor leadership (the supervisor team) to engage in a Kaizen process to drastically reduce pounds of pretzels thrown away, providing a dramatic positive effect on EBITDA. We saw the value of using the Kaizen built on the backbone of the OpX Workforce Engagement Framework


Throughout the Kaizen process, the teams participated in surveys on leadership and workforce engagement, which led to individual and team coaching sessions. Of the 47 attributes in the Workforce Engagement Framework, the teams focused on nine: Meaningful Work, To Lead, To Take Action, Leadership, Empathy, Process, Role, Standard Procedures and Standard Work (see chart). The attributes were tied to lean processes training, such as standard work, poka yoke (error prevention) and the know why (understanding the reasons underlying something). The process also built stronger ties of trust between supervisors and plant leadership, specifically because the supervisors saw leadership removing perceived and real barriers to accelerate the results.



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