
Kollmorgenholds demonstrations of its new, ‘market-leading’ industrial servo drive and its new configurable, synchronous servomotor.


Kollmorgen来到Pack Expo International准备演示其新的运动技术,新的AKD®2G伺服驱动器和AKM®2G伺服电机系统解决方案 - 用于包装应用程序和最新机器人技术的Hygienic Motor Solutions。

According to Kollmorgen, the dual-axis AKD2G(pictured)is one of the most power-dense industrial servo drives on the market. It substantially reduces mains wiring, fuses, and filtering to save panel space and cost. Highlights include plug-and-play compatibility to Kollmorgen motors and Workbench interface, an optimized hybrid connector, and speed—said the company, its multicore Compute Engine, Servo on a Chip, is more powerful than other servo drives. The AKD2G’s current loop update rate of 1.28µs accommodates changing load conditions immediately. Kollmorgen also noted that velocity and position loops updates are also market leading at 62.5µs and 125µs.

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