The Value of Generative Leadership

As working conditions, culture, and technology change, so must our approach to leadership.

Monica Muraro.


Systems integrators like my company are experiencing a lot of organizational stress. The pandemic of the last two years has changed the way we all work, and because of the type of work we do, we should have felt that change less. Emergency remote work didn't surprise us, as we were already operating on our clients' facilities remotely, and our teams within our organization were based in different locations. Nevertheless, for us too, this long period of crisis has brought a series of changes and events that have stressed the organization of work.


这一刻的领导者明白他/她必须是本集团的渡轮,从一种控制和执行普遍存在的方式,反而崇拜人民的自主权和责任。困难已经存在并且仍然很好。此时,出现了各代之间的差异:在像我们这样的公司中,平均年龄相当低,并且有许多Gen Z技术人员,数字本地人和社会沟通专家,每天暴露于无数的压力,并且是非常理想主义。他们是努力实现个人目标的年轻人,但同时不能忽视他们为他们工作的公司强烈要求的社会责任感。他们的千禧一位同事更加专注于自己的目标,并在不可或缺的持续改进工作 - 生活平衡。然后有那些像我一样的人,谁不是数字本地人,而是数字移民:我们已经学会了适应在突击速度速度下运行的世界的艰难方式,在那里学习太快了,我们已经习惯了,但同时更肤浅,只是务实的。这张照片意味着领导者必须具有难以想象的特征,直到最近。

A leader used to have to be an experienced person with the ability to coordinate and lead. Now this is no longer needed. The leader is certainly required to be an expert, but also to demonstrate this in the field by working hand in hand with Gen Z. S/he must have developed a particular sensitivity in understanding who is in front of him/her and adapt his/her leadership style to the group he is leading. He/she must be resilient to change by leading with confidence and strongly motivating people. He/she must know how to be understanding and welcoming and at the same time challenging, because there is no one who does not ask for training and personal as well as professional growth. they must not be afraid of innovation and change: perhaps this is the most complicated thing.


Therefore, the leader necessarily becomes a mentor, the one who triggers the drive and desire for change, who, with his experience and sensitivity, recognizes talents and enhances them in the assignment of tasks, never forgetting to set challenging goals but commensurate with the strengths and weaknesses of the person or team. The objective of contributing to a positive and cohesive organizational climate, even, as in our case, with different generations, communication styles and ideals, is challenging for those who decide they want to lead their organization into the near future: and who knows what surprises it will present us with. Surely, we hope it will reserve a little more physical safety and consequent serenity of mind.

Monica a Human Resources Managerat自传,certified members of theControl System Integrators Association(CSIA). For more information about Autoware, visit its profile on theIndustrial Automation Exchange.

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