施耐德电气公司(Schneider Electric)为螺旋套件平台上的碳氢化合物加工行业推出了统一的供应链管理解决方案。新产品缩小了综合遗产工具不足的价值差距,并改善了整个炼油厂的协作,帮助交易者,计划者和计划者做出可靠的决策,管理风险并最终提高盈利能力。
Schneider Electric的螺旋套件将展出软件全球客户会议taking place the week of September 30, 2014, in Orlando, Fla.
“螺旋套房承诺将炼油厂的商业环境从一个孤立工作的地方转变,而不是看到或理解他们的个人工作的一部分如何贡献整体的地方 - 工人首先看到和理解他们的决策如何影响其他,然后合作以共同释放其经济预测的最大价值。”软件业务施耐德电气全球解决方案执行副总裁Ravi Gopinath博士说。
“我们的螺旋套件工具集的最新进展超越了许多炼油厂和供应商尝试和未能处理旧解决方案:它改善了交易者,规划人员和计划人员之间的理解与合作,并用单个分离的点解决方案取代了几个不相关的点解决方案,易于使用的应用程序,” Gopinath解释说。“简而言之,它提高了不同业务团体之间的透明度和协作,使我们的客户能够为安全和盈利能力做出最佳的总体决策,同时更好地利用市场提供的新机会。
“It’s a great example of the new, game-changing technology Schneider Electric will continue to introduce to help our customers plan and manage their future,” he added.
Spiral Suite users can contribute to and add value to one another’s decision making without the risk of overwriting data or causing downstream processing issues at the plant. Combined with powerful, intuitive visualizations, everyone is able to view, understand and respond to incidents. All refinery activities are supported within a single, intuitive environment, and accurate, up-to-date information is available across the business.
Planners can see future scheduling constraints; schedulers can assess their decisions against commercial impact and operational feasibility. “Users from different disciplines and locations are now able to work together effectively to create the most flexible, optimal plan for any set of circumstances, unlocking potential cost savings and margin improvements that could total millions of dollars each year,” says Gopinath.
彼得·雷诺兹(Peter Reynolds),高级顾问ARC Advisory Group说:“借助Spiral Suite,即使是新手计划者也可以在一周内启动并运行,而不是经过一年的培训,通常会使用遗产产品。在一个来自各个方向的挑战的行业中,如果公司继续运用依赖专家的过时的工作流程,则可能会失去。在某些情况下,只有通过少数人和自然协作的工作关系来实现优化的生产计划。
“As these experts retire, more companies are looking to invest in a sustainable solution that supports the younger, more mobile workforce. Spiral Suite offers exceptional ease-of-use, meaning users can perform all the necessary analytics to make profitable, risk-adjusted feedstock purchasing and refinery planning decisions within weeks of licensing,” Reynolds said.
螺旋套房的SaaS部署模型,off-the-shelf integration and ease of use mean the application can be learned within days. Legacy point solutions can be replaced quickly and simply, without incurring the high cost of implementing or maintaining data transfer. Inadequate, unsupported integration bridges are removed, as is the need for application experts and extensive training courses, which lowers total cost of ownership. Data from in-house and external systems can be made available automatically within workflows, and people from across the business can work in parallel to build the supply chain model within weeks, without needing to know matrix math.
Integral cargo tracking and assay management mean crude oil quality variations can be analyzed within minutes, rather than weeks. This allows users to swiftly assess the financial impact on the business, as well as any potential operational and reliability issues, prior to purchase of the crude. The software also automatically reconciles all available data and performs “backcasting” to understand how and why there are deviations to the plan.
作为在100多个国家 /地区运营的能源管理专家,施耐德电气offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments. For more information about Spiral Suite, visitwww.spiralsoft.com。