Supply Chain Headaches Reveal Golden Opportunities in the Industrial and Utility Worlds

While current supply chain disruptions may be frustrating in the short term, they could offer an opportunity to accelerate innovation.

Keith Mulachit更新了生物图片





Navigating Supply Chain – Strong Communication

Let’s start with the basics. Communicate well and often. Good communication with your internal team and the customers you serve will go a long way to helping you understand where supply chain hiccups will affect you the most.

Internally examine both your personnel situation and your existing systems. Are you having a hard time finding skilled workers to take once fillable positions and is your HR team spinning their wheels trying to find skilled labor at rates that won’t put you out of business? Is this an opportunity to introduce some form of automation or a collaborative robot to take on the monotonous jobs and ease the burden of finding good skilled labor?

Communicate with your existing team the challenges you’re facing and talk creatively about how you could free up some of those positions and divert important human personnel to focus on more strategic, intuitive processes. Good communication could effectively help you strategize for the long term and alleviate concerns your team may have about being “replaced” by a robot. It should, if communicated well, show them a new future at their position where their time could be devoted to additional career development.

Do outdated systems require inefficiencies and time-consuming battles you can’t afford now while still achieving your production goals? Now is the time to have some strategic discussions about the future of your company and its longevity in a highly-competitive environment. Allowing supply chain issues to impact your long-term strategy may prove detrimental in the end. Seek out opportunities to gain access to federal monies devoted to upgrading and automating processes and secure your team's place with growing and thriving companies.



Once open communication has begun and some decisions have been made about the future of a project, then the real creativity comes in.

Partner with a Trusted System Integrator







Now, let’s contemplate an entire plant built with one vendor’s hardware for ease of use. In an ideal state, that makes total sense. In a time of short supply though, considering an alternative item that is more easily accessible, even in the interim, could be a distinct advantage to keeping the entire plant running at peak efficiency and meeting production goals. When system-wide production processes are at risk due to scarce components parts, the leap of faith required to add an operational part from another vendor seems less risky than the possibility of shutting down production for an extended period of time.

This is where the trust developed between a customer and an integrator can shine. Communication from an integrator striving for what’s truly best for the customer without taking shortcuts is priceless. The last thing either party would want is to partner with someone who is a here today gone tomorrow vendor partner so that when things get tough they are nowhere to be found.


As we alluded to, if you have a project that could help ease some of the current economic climate stresses (like an automation upgrade) and you’ve been putting it off for some time, you realistically have two possible viable paths forward. Push pause on the project and wait for supply chain issue to resolve on their own or get creative and start thinking outside of the box. A qualified system integrator will be ready to brainstorm alongside you. Taking advantage of their breadth of knowledge of software and hardware, there may be alternative ways to engage a process with slightly disparate systems and still execute on critical production processes.

Here’s an example. Think about traditional I/O modules that reside in the PLC rack, like analog input modules. In the world of manufacturing, replacements for these are very hard to come by these days, (at least in any expedited timeframe) although they are certainly common in many manufacturing applications. Now might be the perfect time to consider a new technology that could yield the same, if not better, results.


Similarly, Profinet or Ethernet/IP devices may offer a solution that could replace the hard to find traditional hardwired I/O modules. In this case, what started as an obstacle can now become an opportunity to find a solution that will work equally well.

In most cases theses alternative solutions will also provide access to additional diagnostic information from smart devices. This access to data analytics can make you more efficient, allowing you to use predictive analytics to make better business decisions.


At the end of the day, recognizing we’re all facing some of these same challenges and facing them with a little patience, understanding, and creative partnership will serve us all well. And to those of you who have done just that with open communication and a little bit of humor along the way, we say thank you. To those still lost in frustration we say, give us a call and let’s work through it together.
