
Designed to address labor shortages in manufacturing and warehouse operations, mixed-case de-palletizing systems, such as those available from Universal Robots and Mujin Corp., can handle complex tasks without the need for advanced programming.

尽管预测,由于持续的劳动力短缺,仓库工人的工资将比大流行前的工资增长四倍,但制造业和配送中心设施“仍然很难雇用和保留一线工人”,”乔·坎贝尔(Joe Campbell)应用程序开发高级经理通用机器人

结果,越来越多的公司正在用机器人和协作机器人(柯比特)填补空白。通用机器人强调了如何使用魔球机构来处理传统上执行的任务,并与其合作伙伴展示了智能的托盘操作Mujin Corp.具有智能缓冲区和重新测序功能(请参阅随附的视频)的混合案例机器人去装修系统显示了智能机器人系统如何在而无需高级编程的情况下执行具有挑战性的挑选和包装任务。

TheseMujin controller-powered de-palletizing systems enable the cobot to buffer and re-sequence cases without the need for upstream material handling equipment, eliminating the need for manual de-palletizing operations. Mujin says its controller combines 3D perception, real-time motion planning, and dexterous grasping and can work with any robot arm. The Mujin Machine Intelligence used in the controller reportedly enables robots to make effective decisions in real time by quickly observing an object and the surrounding environment, then determining the best course of action to complete the task.

In a demo of the Mujin system at Modex 2022, the de-palletizer featured Universal Robots’ UR16e model with a 16 kg/35.3 lbs. payload, and an integrated FXCB gripper fromSchmalz

Mujin的联合创始人兼首席技术官Ross Diankov说:“机器人正在变得越来越聪明,新的应用程序(例如混合案例)可以进行。”“借助Mujin Solutions,所有仓库都需要做的就是将盒子直接发送给机器人,然后将它们放在托盘上之前,将它们重新序列。”

In the accompanying video above, Diankov explains the combined Mujin and Universal Robots intelligent de-palletizing system and the how the system’s digital twin tracks items being picked and placed as well as potential impacts in the surrounding environment.

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