机器人技术,自动化和视觉应用程序公园;汉诺威·梅斯(Hannover Messe)2014年的机器人奖


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由于新兴市场中的持续工业化以及行业关键领域的巨大增长(例如电子和粮食生产),机器人行业可以充满信心地展望未来。Industry experts predict that annual worldwide robotics sales will grow by about two percent this year to around 162,000 units, followed by an average of six percent each year to 2016. Additional growth potential will come from new technological developments, which will pave the way for completely new robotics applications in areas such as human-machine cooperation.

“这些都是在2014年汉诺威·梅斯(Hannover Messe)的工业自动化展上探讨的主题,”德意志·梅斯(Deutsche Messe)负责汉诺威·梅斯(Hannover Messe)的高级副总裁马克·西姆布林(Marc Siemering)说。“工业自动化秀的价值主要在于其强烈的国际游客组成以及其论坛以及有关机器人技术和系统集成的特殊活动。这反映在迄今为止收到的参展商登记级别中,诸如Stäubli,Güdel和Sampas之类的名字已经确认。这些公司在汉诺威·梅斯(Hannover Messe)展出,因为这是唯一可以与所有相关国际市场的生产经理结识的事件。”

The Robotics, Automation & Vision Application Park and its associated lecture forum at the upcoming Industrial Automation show will feature an expanded format. Located in Hall 17, the popular showcase for robot manufacturers, system vendors and image processing specialists will include a new motion control section that will enable robotics motion control specialists to showcase their solutions to a highly targeted robotics industry audience. The Application Park will also present the latest solutions in the exciting and fast-growing area of human-machine cooperation, including a range of collaborative robot solutions equipped with camera and image processing systems. Together with the Mobile Robots & Autonomous Systems special display (also in Hall 17), the Robotics, Automation & Vision Application Park at Industrial Automation 2014 will showcase all technologies and disciplines that feed into robotics and system integration and explore their role as enablers of industrial automation. For more information visitwww.hannovermesse.de/en/application-park

Next year, Deutsche Messe, the Industrieanzeiger trade journal and the Robotation Academy will be offering the Robotics Award for the fourth time. Companies wishing to participate are invited to submit products, projects and technological advancements that make an innovative contribution to robotics-based solutions in the area of industrial automation, mobile robots and/or autonomous systems. Applications close on February 12, 2014. The winners will be presented with their awards by the Lower Saxony Minister of Economics, Olaf Lies, at a special ceremony in the Robotics, Automation & Vision Forum on April 8, 2014.

有关更多信息,请访问www.hannovermesse.de / en / roboticsaward
