Numerous new robotic technologies have debuted over the past two decades, but the new贝克霍夫的Atro机器人系统可能是工业市场上第一个模块化的DIY(自己动手)机器人技术之一。ATRO(机器人技术自动化技术)系统是一个模块化的工业机器人系统,可允许最终用户,集成器和机器构建器为其应用程序创建最佳的机器人配置。
3-axis delta robot configuration with ATRO.
Beckhoff指出,所有用的模块功能ternal media feed for data, power, and fluids (vacuum, air, and water). This allows ATRO to use a variety of tools, such as mechanical, pneumatic, or electric grippers. Because these media feeds are internal, it allows for endless rotation of ATRO axes and end effector tools, as there are no external cables to hinder the robot’s range of motion(请参见下面的视频).
此外,ATRO系统建立在开放控制架构上,使其能够连接到“细胞/植物通信中的所有可能接口,例如Profinet,以太网/IP,OPC UA或云,”贝克霍夫说。此外,ATRO系统允许将机器人技术,视觉,安全性和机器学习等所有功能集成到单个控制平台上。
If you’re wondering whether the ATRO is an industrial robot or cobot, Beckhoff says the ATRO is an industrial robot that can accomplish TwinSafe Motion commands such as: Safe Limited Speed (SLS), where the robot’s speed is safely limited to a specified speed window; Safe Operating Stop (SOS) where the robot’s drive is safely monitored at a particular position; Safe Stop 2 (SS2) where the robot’s drive is ramped down to a stop and stays safely controlled in stop mode; and Safe Torque Off (STO) where all torque-generating energy to the robot is cut off immediately.
The ATRO system can handle payload capacities ranging from 3 kg to 10 kg with a reach from 0.6 meters to 1.3 meters. Information on ATRO robot speeds has not yet been released, but Matt Prellwitz, drive technology product manager at Beckhoff Automation, says Beckhoff plans to release ATRO kits for 6-axis serial robot creation later this year. At that time, information on robot speeds will be released.
贝克霍夫自动化的Drive技术产品经理Matt Prellwitz。
The base of the ATRO robot can be floor-, wall- or ceiling-mounted. Connection to the internal media feed can be done from the side or the bottom of the base unit.
See the video below about ATRO’s different module types.
DIY assembly
Beyond its customizable design configuration, two other interesting aspects of ATRO are its assembly and the visual reinforcements it provides to the assembler and user that each module is correctly connected and ready for operation.
The video below highlights ATRO’s DIY assembly.
The open architecture of the ATRO system allows for interfacing with other, existing robot systems in a plant via EtherCAT. Prellwitz explains that KUKA offers EtherCAT integration across its robot portfolio. “KUKA also offers robots with fail safe over EtherCAT (FSoE), so users can pass safety data from the robot system to the TwinCAT automation system,” he says. “Stäubli also uses EtherCAT through its robot portfolio and allows users to connect EtherCAT I/O modules such as robot- and machine-mountable I/O boxes or IP20-rated I/O for enclosures. And Denso uses EtherCAT communication in new robots to allow integration of EtherCAT servo drives and EtherCAT I/O. For example, Denso’s new RC9 control platform uses EtherCAT networking and EJ series pluggable I/O terminals from Beckhoff, with a Beckhoff industrial PC as the controller hardware.”
Ethercat还允许集成I/OS,Feed Axes和/或Atro界面,因此可以通过适配器板连接来自不同制造商的标准握手。
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了解有关贝克霍夫最近的更多信息updates to its XPlanar, XTS, and TwinCAT technologies. |