The application of robotics to conveyance technologies is picking up speed to help manufacturing and packaging operations become more flexible when adapting to changing customer demands. Evidence of the growing combination of conveyor and robotic systems was on display at the RoEq booth at Modex 2022 in Atlanta.
At the event,Roeq.highlighted the release of its TMS-C500 Ext and S-Cart500 Ext, which enable users of the MiR250 autonomous mobile robot (AMR) to have the robot to carry up to a 500 kg payload (1,102 lbs.), which doubles the 250 kg payload of the MiR250 (as indicated by its name). The design of the TMS-C500 Ext top module also extends the size of cargo capable of being carried—up to 1.2 meters (47.2 in.) in length—without affecting access to the cart’s emergency stop button.
罗伊克董事总经理迈克尔EJStrup汉森说Roeq的标准化移动机器人设备旨在与MIR AMRS兼容,包括遵守适用的安全法规,如欧洲EN 1525:1997年和美国ANSI / ITSDF B56.5-2019标准。汉森指出,like all RoEq top modules, the TMS-C500 Ext comes with RoEq Assist software that loads pre-coded missions into the MiR robot, which can then be modified in the MiR interface for quick and consistent application deployments of the AMR.
在该视频中,在Modex 2022捕获的罗伊克销售主管Jonathen Keravolias,解释了Roeq的GuardCom和顶辊系统。GuardCOM系统使用传感器来实现Roeq的顶辊(适用于AMRS顶部的输送机)和固定式输送机之间的通信。来自roeq的TR125顶辊系统用于演示。Guardcom的目的是取代这些系统之间的Wi-Fi通信的使用,这些系统可能会受到信号延迟影响,导致从移动机器人转移到输送机的货物中的问题,反之亦然。