

ABB robots on display in the B&R exhibit at SPS 2019 to highlight the integration of ABB robotics and B&R's machine control.
ABB robots on display in the B&R exhibit at SPS 2019 to highlight the integration of ABB robotics and B&R's machine control.


B&R说,这种机器人技术和机器控制与一个架构的合并对于需要与其他组件的高度同步的机器应用非常重要-例如,robotic picking and placing. With ABB robots integrated into the machine automation system, customers will benefit from an unprecedented level of synchronization between robotics and machine control, according to Sami Atiya, president of ABB’s Robotics and Discrete Automation business。同样,由于现在所有轴和传感器都在公共网络上进行通信,因此Atiya表示,这将其精确度提高到微秒范围。

B&R集成了机器制造商的ABB机器人技术 ABB的Sami Atiya(左)和B&R的Hans Wimmer。 B&R董事总经理Hans Wimmer说:“我们新集成的解决方案使我们能够支持机器建设者,增强其流程并对他们的自动化投资进行防止。”“传统上,机器人是一个独立的系统,拥有自己的控制器和自己的控制机柜。工程,诊断和维护均使用专用系统进行,这意味着使用特定的机器人语言,您通常需要专业的程序员。通过将ABB机器人纳入一个简单的体系结构,我们创建了一个完全集成的自动化系统。对于机器开发人员而言,现在是否必须将单个运动控制轴或整个机器人集成到机器中没有区别。”

Because ABB robots will no longer require a dedicated controller in an integration with B&R automation components, interfaces between the machine and the robot are eliminated. This means that, instead of programming a robotics application in one development environment and a machine application in another, there will only be one application and development environment. B&R’s mapp technology will serve as the platform for developers to set up and configure the machine application, including robotics, without requiring any knowledge of special robotics languages.

Wimmer added that synchronization between sensors and robot motion will also become easier with this integration. For example, the result of a quality inspection with a B&R vision camera can be converted into a control command for the ABB robot in less than a millisecond, so that defective workpieces can be removed from the production process without manual intervention or slowing the manufacturing process.
