



当码垛机出现问题时,有两种可能的解决方案:关闭生产或手动堆垛。虽然关闭生产是一种世界末日的情景,但人手堆积仍然是一个重大的挑战,因为缺乏可用的人来致力于这项任务,以及其他困难。例如,想象一下,如果一个堆垛机坏了,修理需要许多过时的部件,你找不到、支撑不了或更换不了,会发生什么。从物流、财务和时间消耗的角度来看,更换整个码垛系统是一项艰巨的任务。然而,像其他设备一样,它可以被视为一种基于风险的有针对性的过时升级,考虑到相关的机械和电气问题。作为这种基于风险的方法的一个例子,Avanceon最近升级了一个有25年历史的基于linux的码垛系统,该系统使用了大量过时的用于定位的伺服电机。该系统包括一个主要的全托盘主干,三个独立的机器人堆叠单元,18个供各种产品路径的进料通道,以及50多种不同的托盘堆叠模式。从积极的方面来看,垛机系统有一个坚固的机械框架和轨道,因此,我们与客户合作确定了升级的方法,解决了主要的电气问题,并弥合了一些非常需要的小型机械升级的差距。从90年代的基础技术,我们把旧的,不支持的系统,并把它改造成一个普通的2020年的维护技术员可以支持和修改的系统。改造后的系统包括罗克韦尔CLX的坚实基础、新的罗克韦尔伺服系统、基于AVEVA的HMI(人机界面)和用于可视化和连接到生产和仓库管理系统的历史平台。 The technology selections aligned with the customers standards both from a model and software methodology perspective as well as integrating with the overall AVEVA plant SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition). The system as a whole provided complete visibility into the palletizing and case management operation, upgraded and compliant safety measures, and the ability to expand the system. One key take away from the project was that, while the initial assessment predicted that the mechanical systems were stable, we uncovered that was not the case after undertaking the upgrade. While the equipment could deliver based on the old configurations and “delicate balance” tuned over 20 years of operations and concessions, it could not handle the variability and pace of the new electrical components. In this case it wasn’t just the e-brains that needed an upgrade—many of the critical sensors, and roller start-stop mechanics needed to be upgraded as well. A parallel to this would be putting a brand new engine into a car with old shocks, brakes, and tires. Without those ancillary mechanical upgrades, it will still perform like the original car.


