Like many other manufacturing industries these days,采矿业务挖掘不仅仅是矿物质。目标是成为其行业的数字领导者,它在它们中挖掘和聚集在一起 -Metso正在挖掘数据。
在帮助下Rockwell Automation, Metso is using a global Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platform to connect its equipment and services out in the field, monitoring and analyzing assets to improve efficiency and profitability for its mining and aggregates customers.
Metso recently launched a digital program to accelerate its digital capabilities in mineral processing and flow control—making digitalization an integral part of its growth strategy. “We focus on very practical and concrete ways to go forward. Digitalization is a tool to make things happen,” said Matti Kähkönen, Metso’s CEO, at the time. “New technologies are here and new business models can help us grow.”
IIIOT平台在Rockwell的FactoryTalk Cloud(依次由Microsoft Azure提供动力),将安全地收集和存储来自全球梅索斯的设备的数据。这将使美卓能够为客户提供远程资产监控服务,包括预测分析和预防性维护。
“对于我们的矿业和聚合客户来说,获得实时数据的访问能够更高的正常运行时间,更快,更安全停机,最终更加吨位以较低的成本处理,”美索首席数字官员Jani Puroranta表示。“由Rockwell自动化和全球覆盖与Microsoft Azure的数据中心的工业IOT平台启用,美卓可以将分析的设备数据交付给其客户的手中,以获得先进的决策。”
Metso first launched a pilot IIoT program in 2015, getting Rockwell’s help to remotely monitor an African-based mining crusher from a location in Wisconsin. Metso was immediately able to use the data collected to identify opportunities for improvements in machine performance. With the confidence gained from that pilot, Metso decided to broaden its IIoT implementation globally.
“美卓有一个鼓舞人心的愿景,可以在挖掘和汇总中提供强大的分析和信息解决方案,这将推动客户的业务成果,”罗克韦尔自动化总裁兼首席执行官Blake Moret表示。“这是远见的一系列,并专注于在所有行业中看到开发的业务的IOT的应用。”