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Industrial Analytics: SMB Ready or Not?

Analytics aren’t just for the big boys. Small and mid-size manufacturers might be in a better position to get them in place and see quick results.

黛安·默里(Diane Murray),LNS研究
黛安·默里(Diane Murray),LNS研究

从指标转移到分析不仅仅是庞然大物制造商正在做的事情。实际上,在许多方面,中小型企业(SMBs) are in a better position to make the move quickly and without a lot of angst. After all, the SMB won't have to worry about replacing a lot of other solutions, or the more troublesome effort of integrating with legacy systems. The industrial SMB is much nimbler and can leapfrog over the big guy to get its hands on the right analytics and get them installed and delivering value quickly.


Getting ready for analytics

即使SMB的运营架构比制造业巨头要复杂得多,但您不能一夜之间从指标转向分析, or without some thoughtful planning. Before you even get started, you might need to educate others throughout the company on the differences between metrics and analytics, why one compliments but doesn’t replace the other, and what considerations the company must evaluate before making the leap. Again, the considerations are much different for a small or mid-size manufacturing enterprise than a large one. While a big company will likely need to gather a cross-functional team of 10, 20 or more people, the smaller company will likely have thorough representation with as few as three, five or 10 people.

大公司也需要采取措施avoid “pilot purgatory,” a pilot project that never ends and never scales. The nimbler SMB is unlikely to experience such a fate, since it can just as quickly shut down or swap out an analytics choice as it chooses and flips the on switch. As a result, the SMB is less likely to hit a dead end with no quantifiable results. Where an analytics initiative is concerned, the risks are far less and the timeline much shorter for the SMB.

The analysts across LNS consistently advise clients, “Define your data model, and work within your defined operational architecture.” But what exactly does that mean for the SMB? We’re not suggesting that any SMB build a complex operational architecture—quite the opposite. The operational architecture should reflect the size and needs of the organization, the type of manufacturing it conducts, the market it serves, and every other characteristic that makes it unique. Consider this: Your architecture might be cobbled together, or perhaps non-existent, since many are still using whiteboards, spreadsheets or even a manufacturing execution system (MES) that churns out mountains of data. There are a lot of SMBs that can get going with high-impact analytics with only minor adjustments, depending on their current architecture.

Everyone needs a use case

Though it’s relatively easy for the SMB to ramp up with analytics, it still needs to ferret out specific opportunities for its market andchoose which one or two to capitalize on first。这是您对该倡议的指南针,这是提供快速胜利的方式,以资助公司各级的未来努力和助长热情。但这并不是您的公司从指标到分析的努力时的尽头。




  • Do you consistently employ a metrics framework that helps define your metrics hierarchy and relationships?
  • Are you selecting the most meaningful metrics that measure business value and impact, not just throughput and downtime?
  • 您的指标是否超出了机器和车间活动,并在操作仪表板上包括质量,客户和业务指标?
  • Are you relying on a multilevel dashboard that serves the leadership team as well as operations, and can it be used to facilitate real-time course adjustments and strategic recommendations?
  • Will your analytics initiative enhance the quality and availability of data?
  • 您是否要使用正式流程来收集和管理数据(通常称为操作架构)?
  • Have you considered where you'll need to keep data and how long you’ll need to keep it?
  • 谁将加入您的跨职能团队来指导主动权?


>>黛安·默里(Diane Murray),diane.murray@lns-global.com,是高级营销和研究助理LNS研究,它提供咨询和基准测试服务,以帮助业务线和IT高管做出关键决策。

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