是否称呼它smart manufacturing或者Industry 4.0,数字破坏是真实的。它将影响所有制造商;资产密集型业务,例如公用事业,石油和天然气公司以及采矿;以及以基础设施为中心的公司,例如重型运输和管道运营。
Surveying more than 500 asset performance management (APM) practitioners, LNS Research sees an opportunity to elevate the asset reliability discussion to embody the full breadth of digital transformation. LNS refers to this APM evolutionary step as APM 4.0, to align with Industry 4.0.
- 基于纸的系统。
- 企业资产管理(EAM)和计算机化维护管理系统(CMMS)流离失所纸。
- The introduction of computer-based tools for condition-based maintenance (CBM), reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) and asset strategy definition, or classic specialized APM.
第四代APM利用了全部数字工具和功能来重新定义APM是什么。APM 4.0的完整范围包括跨越过程本身到高级业务系统的功能,包括CMMS/EAM(例如CMMS/EAM)的报告和交易系统扩展到与优化相关的预测功能,并包含许多其他工具和应用程序。
APM 4.0 becomes prescriptive
Of the “big five” of digital transformation—the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud, mobility, Big Data and analytics—the one with the most growth is analytics. The other four have had their share of advancement as technology has become more affordable and powerful (thanks to Moore’s Law), but it is analytics that has the potential to radically transform APM as it evolves.
从历史上看,分析主要用于描述或理解过去的行为。随着CBM和RCM的出现,重点转向了预测,描述了可能发生的事情以及何时发生的事情。对于当今大多数组织而言,应用于可靠性和维护的预测分析被认为是最先进的。随着转向APM 4.0的转变,企业必须进入一个新的级别:规定分析。
Of course, this capability requires access to far more data such as engineering design information, wear projections based on intended operating conditions, specific maintenance procedures, production and maintenance schedules, and more. This is why Big Data goes hand-in-hand with analytics in the APM 4.0 realm. Another element of prescriptive maintenance is the need for machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to act upon Big Data. The shortage of reliability and maintenance domain experts and data scientists makes this an imperative.
APM 4.0 is dynamic and visual
为了支持数字双胞胎,APM 4.0将推动采用增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)技术。可视化工具,仿真,建模和实时数据获取的混搭成为APM 4.0世界中的“杀手应用程序”。通过在结合云,边缘或雾计算的计算环境中组合所有这些工具,并在全球供应商,销售,运营,客户以及其他任何需要查看发生的事情的社区中共享数据,最终用户可以维护它们具有APM 4.0功能,并从工业4.0工厂中获得最大收益。
您不能购买APM 4.0
APM 4.0 isn’t a product or solution you buy any more than Industry 4.0 is a factory you build. APM 4.0 is, like Industry 4.0, an aspirational model and philosophy of how to maintain and operate a plant in context of Industry 4.0. No technology vendor or machine builder today can serve up a full suite of APM 4.0 capabilities. There are providers who, like in the IIoT realm, offer a platform with a large percentage of the capability. Similarly, there are APM 4.0 ecosystem suppliers that provide elements of functionality. Just as Industry 4.0 has taken five to seven years from concept to the first instantiation of plants that are 4.0 capable, LNS expects APM 4.0 to take a similar amount of time to evolve to support those plants.
您无法在愚蠢的工厂中构建智能产品,并且您当然无法使用昨天的APM技术维护智能连接的工厂。行业4.0需要APM 4.0。
>>丹·米克洛维奇(Dan Miklovic)是LNS Research,主要关注资产绩效管理和能源管理,并在制造运营管理(MOM),物联网,化学,纸张和包装,金属和采矿之间进行协作覆盖。