2016: The Year of the IIoT Solution?


Phil Marshall CEO, Hilscher North America
Phil Marshall CEO, Hilscher North America


不幸的是,由于许多硬件产品 - 特别是网关 - 2015年宣布的IIOR尚未为IIOR宣布,但仍然没有可辨别的市场,而且可能是我们自动化供应商必须帮助最终用户面临的问题。

As I see it, the reason for the lack of market pull around IIoT is twofold: First, the value proposition is unproven and without a clear return on investment (ROI); few, if any, CFOs are going to sign off on the investment. Second, a killer app for IIoT has not yet emerged. Yes, we’ve seen predictive maintenance and similar functions touted as having the most potential. But automation users have been deploying these for a decade or more and rightly ask, “What is the difference?”

The answer to this key question is Big Data; its potential to handle the volume, velocity and variety of data collected from plant floors is needed to access the fresh insights promised by IIoT. And though Big Data is a very new and, as yet, widely untested technology in industry, we must not be afraid to look for new ways of working.


One of the conclusions of the Forbes article is that artificial intelligence (AI) will play a crucial role in IIoT. If AI scares you, don’t be worried because, in the background, huge steps have been made with this technology in recent years—many of which may be already familiar. Google is perhaps the prime example; music apps are another. IBM’s Watson is making great strides in areas such as health. All this technology and more will find its way into automation, one way or another. Given this reality, I suspect that AI may well enter into our IIoT vocabulary during 2016 too.


In other words, we may already be at an inflection point where distributed intelligence becomes a reality and novel interactions between machines and systems in cyberspace will bring completely new ways of working on the plant floor.

Many IT-centric suppliers are already pushing forward to help. Control system vendors are also seeking ways to handle the mass of data. Have they come up with perfect answers yet? No one is quite sure, but at least there is a growing range of options for testing the opportunities.



Our aim is to make it easy for end users to work with the best IIoT technology that’s out there. We know that whoever gets into this market early has an opportunity to become a disrupter. It’s a massive opportunity, and one you shouldn’t miss.

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