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Why So Complicated?

A renewed focus on usability is required for today’s technologies to become tomorrow’s solutions.

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As Industry 4.0 trends have taken shape over the last number of years, rapid advances in technology are now awaiting adoption by industry. But creating technology merely for technology’s sake serves the few rather than the many. Focusing instead on addressing use-cases has proven effective, but something more is needed for adoption to occur. And that is: ease-of-use. A renewed focus on usability is required for today’s technologies to become tomorrow’s solutions.



This means that, if you need to extend the network, you simply install an Ethernet switch. Rotary switches for addressing and termination resistors are no longer needed. With the step from Profibus DP to Profinet, we’ve eliminated most causes for problems on an industrial network.

With Profinet, we’ve made addressing easy because the controller handles it. And with Profinet we use names—not numbers—to address devices. BOOTP or DHCP are not needed (although they are optional). Instead, you assign the names, and the controller assigns the IP addresses. And it gets even easier. If you program the network topology into the controller, it can auto-assign device names, making the process even easier.

But what if you need to replace a device? The same underlying technologies—DCP (discovery and configuration protocol) and LLDP (link layer discovery protocol)—that enable easy naming and addressing also make it possible to swap a failed device for a replacement. Simply remove the failed device and swap in a replacement. That’s it. No computer or configuration tools are required. Just plug and play. Profinet leverages these IT technologies to make it happen ‘automagically’.

So how does the future look with TSN (time-sensitive networking) and Ethernet-APL (advanced physical layer)?


As for Ethernet-APL—an intrinsically safe version of Ethernet for explosive and hazardous environments— it is as fundamental as TSN, if not more so. Whereas TSN is an ISO/OSI layer 2 technology, APL is a layer 1 technology. But the same principles should apply regarding usability. Profibus PA already exists as an intrinsically safe way to network instruments directly in hazardous areas, so the concept is not new. Ethernet-APL now allows Profinet to do the same. And just like the step from Profibus DP to Profinet, usability is greatly enhanced moving from a serial physical layer to Ethernet. It is left to the protocol to implement the naming, addressing, device replacement, and other usability features. In other words: Ethernet-APL takes Profinet down to the instrument, with Profinet making it all easy to manage.


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