
James Balzary




最重要的是,全球制造资产基础的75%是断开连接的 - 目前没有AI,没有云分析,也没有智能的物联网(IoT)传感器分析该设备行为的传感器。从本质上讲,他们只是有一台机器,该机器是孤立的,可以执行生产过程,而不会发生任何明智的事情。因此,这些公司根本没有建立适当的技术基金会,他们看不到自己反映在这些高级方法方面。


What do we mean by smart manufacturing?


These two key words—integration and intelligence—define the essence of smart manufacturing and are applied to physical processes, equipment, people, and even behaviors.

If the objective is to increase profit, reduce risk, or improve efficiency, then you need to accept that innovation is the key to success. The traditional way to innovate in manufacturing is to buy new equipment and automate it. Even today, automation and most robotics in manufacturing plants are run by simple programmable logic without the use of any AI. Automation is still a way to achieve great results, and when technologies such as AI and machine learning are applied, it can super charge those efficiencies.


Industry fear of failure means less adoption of these initiatives

Gartner预测85%的AI计划将失败在制造业中,这是understandable companies hesitate to adopt these technologies.



If you’re unable to support the operator with AI, prescribe what tasks need to be done, and track the execution of those processes it’s difficult to learn from and add intelligence. Basically, no matter how good the AI is, if the equipment and people do not act on the recommendation then it is wasted.


在智能的制造环境中,第一个要求之一是数字化流程 - 驱动纸张,并转向连接的,数字和自动化的工作流动驱动的操作。

A well-planned connected workflow可以捕获部落知识,详细说明因果关系并建立operator tasks more efficient. The operator can do more, and the manager knows exactly what’s happening on the factory floor with a view of both equipment and personnel.

We’ve seen examples of this with two recent customers:



  • 优化注入成型
  • Reduce changeovers
  • Smooth staff allocation / shortages
  • 预测未来的生产率

For a kitchen sink manufacturer,取代其现有的新闻机(已接近40年,没有自动化)会影响生产。


  • 增加吞吐量增加了2%
  • Reduced work in progress by 25%
  • 优化的库存
  • 减少材料浪费。


Rather than excluding personnel from this future vision, the manufacturing industry should be embracing people involvement, engaging them with advanced capabilities and techniques and delivering a different type of AI—Augmented Individuals.

詹姆斯·巴尔扎里(James Balzary)是蒂利特(Tillit)的首席执行官兼联合创始人鼠尾草小组product. SAGE is a certified member of the控制系统集成商协会(CSIA).有关Sage Group的更多信息,请访问其个人资料工业自动化交换.

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