Answering the Top 7 Questions About Profinet

最终用户,分销商,系统集成商和设备供应商,我们在PI North America的PI北美有很多问题。这是我们对我们最问的问题的答案。

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No,Profinetisn’t ‘justSiemens,’ as many questioners ask. Yes, Siemens is a strong supporter and adopter of the Profinet technology. As are many other automation device vendors. Profinet is an open standard defined in the IEC and the technology is not owned by any single company. Development on the Profinet standard—along with all other technologies under the Profibus and Profinet International (PI) umbrella—is performed by working groups staffed by volunteers from many different companies.

Profinet不是一个封闭的网络。现场总线作为一个年代erial fieldbus for example, was a closed network. By closing the network, Profibus was able to ensure determinism. Despite being an Ethernet-based protocol, the choice was made early-on to keep a Profinet network open. With the widespread adoption of Ethernet and now Industry 4.0, today we are able to appreciate what a wise decision that has become. Profinet utilizes standard unmodified Ethernet, meaning any Ethernet-based protocol can utilize the infrastructure. Inherent Profinet mechanisms ensure the determinism required for industrial automation.

Does Profinet require special hardware?
Since Profinet is based on standard unmodified Ethernet, no special cables or switches are required. However, using the same cables and switches built for office environments on a factory floor is a recipe for trouble. Profinet cabling is merely Ethernet cabling that is shielded and ruggedized against tough conditions. We recommend end users install managed, purpose-built switches in their networks. These offer ruggedized hardware and advanced features helpful to running and maintaining an industrial Ethernet network.

Isn’t Profinet very complicated?

的确,大多数专业流量都不可路由。这是设计。Profinet在有意义的地方使用UDP/IP和TCP/IP。并跳过没有的地方。自动化流量通常是很少的数据。它是在控制器和设备之间快速,决定性地交换的位和字节。在互联网上路由这些小数据的用例很少,如果不存在。还有其他协议更适合移动信息,例如OPC UA。相反,具有较大数据包大小的协议以及对UDP/IP或TCP/IP的依赖,未针对在出厂地板上确定性地移动自动化流量。对于确实需要在其Profinet网络中进行一些基本路由的安装,就存在设备可以无缝将不同的子网融合在一起。

Is Profinet secure?

Profinet is based on Ethernet, which was invented in the 1970s and has come a long way since then. It certainly seems like wireless is taking over as the primary way to move data in the consumer world, particularly with the upcoming versions of 5G cellular. While most Profinet installations utilize Ethernet, many also seamlessly employ Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and, eventually, 5G. Ethernet works very well for its purpose and has improved along the way. This appears to be true for the future as well. Today, industrial Ethernet bandwidth can scale from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps and beyond. Soon, Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) stands to make Ethernet robust for even the most heavily loaded networks.

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