
Siemens和Stratus Technologies / Rockwell Automation的最新公告显示了边缘计算如何发展成为更广泛的工业数字化应用程序的平台。

For years now, edge computing technologies have been gaining in popularity as a means of onsite equipment数据聚合和分析—a key component of industrial digitalization. More recently, edge computing has also been gaining wider use for虚拟化and providing secure远程访问到设备。

Siemens and Stratus Technologies have announced two new edge computing offerings that extend the use of edge computing beyond the specific applications mentioned above.



Stratus Technologies’ announced its “Solution in a Box” process control architecture running Rockwell Automation’s PlantPAx 5.0 (distributed control system) software on the Stratus ztC Edge device. PlantPAx uses a common automation platform to integrate process and discrete control with plant-wide information.

Stratus Technologies'ZTC Edge是公司“解决方案”过程控制架构的一部分,其在Stratus设备上运行罗克韦尔自动化的PlantPAX 5.0(分布式控制系统)软件。资料来源:Stratus TechnologiesStratus Technologies'ZTC Edge是公司“解决方案”过程控制架构的一部分,其在Stratus设备上运行罗克韦尔自动化的PlantPAX 5.0(分布式控制系统)软件。资料来源:Stratus Technologies“框中的解决方案”架构包括:Rockwell自动化的过程自动化系统服务器,具有FactoryTalk视图(HMI软件),FactoryTalk.Assetcentre(集中资产管理),FactoryTalk历史学家,FactoryTalk VantagePoint(企业制造智能);Rockwell自动化应用程序服务器 - OWS,用于远程,手机和平板电脑访问的ThinManager远程桌面服务器;和stratus ztc边缘110i。

Stratus says the“框中的解决方案”支持高达2,000个I / O点,五个冗余Logix控制器,10个客户端, 和5,000名历史学家标签。

“随着ZTC Edge的工业级设计,团队现在可以在与Plantpax DCS控制器在同一柜子上安装冗余的虚拟化计算,即使在恶劣的环境中,弗兰克希尔说:”罗克韦尔伙伴关系主任at Stratus. “In addition, ztC Edge’s built-in virtualization allows users to integrate multiple solutions—PlantPAx applications and Rockwell’s ThinManager that previously required multiple computers—into a single platform which delivers enormous savings for engineering, operations, and maintenance.”

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