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As industrial companies connect plant-level software and devices to internet-connected systems, cybersecurity has become a critical operations issue for manufacturers of all sizes. While greater systems connectivity expands the efficiency of plant floor operations, it also introduces countless new vectors for potential网络攻击

技术供应商越来越多地共同解决这些植物地板网络安全问题。可以在不断扩展的合作伙伴关系中看到这样的努力的一个例子可替代ServiceNow。可替代—provider of the Cyber Exposure Platform, which monitors networks, predicts threats, and acts to remediate them—is bolstering ServiceNow’s Now Platform by enabling it to use asset inventory and vulnerability data from Tenable.ot, Tenable’s software module for monitoring OT (operations technology) assets.

这是一个关键的发展现在平台的投入en its focus on eliminating information siloes in operations workflows and associated data by connecting people, functions, and systems on one platform. With Tenable’s Predictive Prioritization capabilities integrated in the Now platform, users can prioritize the IT and OT flaws that pose the greatest risk to their business and then remediate them within a streamlined workflow through ServiceNow’s Vulnerability Response module.

According to the companies, "utilizing Tenable’s unified assessment and remediation guidance, this new integration streamlines asset inventory and centralizes IT and OT remediation workflows across converged industrial environments."

Moreover, by bringing both IT and OT data together in one combined system, Tenable hopes that its integration with ServiceNow will provide methods for visibility and control over OT assets in a manner that is more consistent with those that have been used for IT in the past.

Tenable技术联盟副总裁Ray Komar表示:“随着工业网络与IT和OT的混合变得越来越复杂,知道您的环境中哪些资产和脆弱性比以往任何时候都更为重要。”“跨不同团队管理多个电子表格的日子已经结束。”


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