Bedrock's Open, Secure Control System Gets an Upgrade

本质上安全系统的制造商还欢迎行业摄影彼得·马丁(Peter Martin)加入其顾问委员会。

Years before groups like the Open Process Automation Forum (OPAF) were attempting to build an open and secure control architecture,基础自动化had already built it.

Albert Rooyakkers, Bedrock Automation’s founder, CEO, and CTO, has decades of experience in process control and has been on a mission to redesign closed industrial control systems since his time at Invensys (now Schneider Electric), when he led a design team to refresh the company’s distributed control system (DCS). Soon thereafter, he was recruited into the semiconductor industry by Maxim Integrated Products (which merged with Analog Devices in 2021), where he was working with advanced embedded semiconductor technology and on new business development plans.

At Maxim, he saw how semiconductor technology works in the most secure segments, such as the financial and aerospace industries. “That’s when I began to connect the dots,” Rooyakkers said during an interview withAutomation World在马萨诸塞州的基岩总部。他意识到,他一直想建立的开放和内在安全的系统最终可以完成。“我们的字面意思是从一张空白的纸开始,并具有一家大型半导体公司的肌肉和力量,以使其成为现实。我们要做的非常关键的部分是从专业的网络硬化数字电子产品开始的,这就是正确的方法。您必须从最小的共同点开始,即晶体管,然后开始构建它。”



As part of this rebuild from the ground up with embedded security, Bedrock also developed a pin-less backplane interconnect that provide secure I/O with 20 Mb bandwidth at every I/O slot, and a universal control system that can drive any control mode, be it PLC, DCS, a safety system, etc., while extending its security to third party applications.



据该公司称,该软件升级将于一月份发布,使用户更容易在安全OSA控制器内配置和运行打开的应用程序。新的固件增强功能可以简化和改善SCADA冗余,启用对MQTT SparkPlug的运输层安全性(TLS)支持,扩展通用以太网/IP容量,简化流量计证明并协助诊断大型电动机。

The new firmware impacts functionality in several of Bedrock’s secure system modules, including: the OSA control system built on the pin-less backplane that is scalable to support thousands of I/O; the OSA Remote control system, which provides secure, high performance automation for applications requiring five to 20 I/O; the Universal Ethernet gateway (UE5), which supports Modbus TCP and EtherNet/IP; and the OSA Remote Flow measurement and control system, which integrates flow computing and process control in a single module.

观看来自2020年ARC论坛的视频,因为Bedrock的Albert Rooyakkers描述了Bumpless的升级过程。

In addition, the new firmware enhancements contribute to simple, secure SCADA operations by moving redundancy management from the SCADA system client to the Bedrock controller firmware. This enables seamless SCADA client failover while simplifying SCADA configuration. That’s because, according to the company, most SCADA redundancy requires more than one IP address so if there’s a problem with one, the SCADA software or system engineer finds the active IP and switches to it. But using the Bedrock OPC UA, MQTT, or other Ethernet protocols, allow for the use of virtual IP addresses, enabling a single end point for a redundant pair. The SCADA software point to one IP address and the Bedrock controller finds the active path automatically.

Bedrock has more innovations in the works and continues to build out its team with industry heavyweights, such as the recent announcement that industry luminary, Peter Martin, has joined its advisory board. Martin, who served as vice president of innovation and marketing for Schneider Electric Process Automation until his retirement in 2019, is well-known for his pioneering control theory as it connects to business profitability.

利用经验,马丁将建议床rock as it advances its OSA architecture. “As more industrial devices connect to each other, security is increasingly and literally the key to business value,” Martin said in a statement. “By bringing a powerful and inherently secure automation solution to market, Bedrock is unlocking a new generation of heightened business effectiveness, safety, and profitability. I am looking forward to doing whatever I can to help them advance their platform to achieve that—for everyone’s sake.”

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