Artemis Technology Group's MartinezArtemis Energy Services和Osionoft最近宣布了伙伴关系,在优化电网时牢固地追踪,追踪和贸易能量。According to the two companies, this partnership is based on using Artemis Energy Services’ blockchain technology to interact with real-time data provided by OSIsoft’s PI System software (which collects, analyzes, visualizes, and shares high-fidelity, time-series data from multiple industrial sources). This combination of technologies is expected to lead to “a field-proven 20% increase in overall grid efficiency and utilization,” according to a statement from the two companies. “This efficiency gain will reduce the need for new fossil-based energy sources and utility grid system upgrades. [This combination of technologies] “will create an entirely new marketplace that has the capability to serve both a single individual as well as the complex regulatory and operational authorities that govern and manage” energy markets.
为了解决Artemis区块链技术在能源领域的变革潜力,OSIsoft的首席技术官Richard Beeson说:“Artemis正在利用的能源聚焦平台于2019年7月上线,这是一个针对行业特定领域的专门应用程序。电网被称为人类有史以来建造的最复杂的机器。因此,这个应用程序的需求是重要的,我们现在正在做的工作数据,操作,交易,和服务领域将帮助定义一个新的未来网格历来在一个单向流入是双向的,也能认出单相运行的资产。这些都是油气行业的重大转变,我们公司联盟提出的这些新技术是第一个能够有效实现这一未来的技术。”
Amanda Martinez,Artemis的首席执行官,解释说Artemis Transaction Engine能够直接通过OINOFT PI系统管理和创建要包含在链中的实时交易标记的实时信息。“这允许动态运行,实时结算和100%与网格运营商和稳压器透明度,”她说。
询问Artemis交易引擎如何与标准区块链技术不同,鉴于能量网格的复杂性,Martinez指出阿尔特弥斯公司是“由那些毕生致力于帮助塑造这个行业的能源专家创立的。这个(Artemis Transaction Engine)是一个由能源行业开发并为其服务的应用程序,而不是由一个试图利用面临创新和现代化极端压力的市场的软件公司开发的。其他区块链应用程序[最初是作为]一个基于特定行业细分、市场或结构的解决方案开发的,[引导开发人员]去搜索数据和客户,以实现他们所构建的解决方案。Artemis的目的是围绕[网格]操作的数据和基础物理建立我们的应用程序。因此,无论在哪个大洲、哪个国家或哪个市场建设,这个专用应用程序都可以立即实现。”
Osionoft的理查德蜜酮With regard to the “20% increase in overall grid efficiency and utilization" cited in the two companies’ release about their partnership, Besson explained that electric networks are designed and operated based on a cascading set of worst-case assumptions. For example, operating on the hottest day possible in a 20-year planning horizon with the heaviest load and with the loss of their single biggest resource. By considering distributed energy resources (DER) as part of the solution instead of the problem, a utility can make use of these resources at the edge of the grid and increase the average amount of electricity flowing in the existing network year-round. So instead of the system being utilized at 43% on average like it is today around the world, we can help that number move above 60%—or even higher—for areas with large-scale DER penetration. Our application helps recognize all of the values of DER, not just a few of them, and this allows for grid services, utilization, efficiency, and a plethora of other benefits to be realized.”