- 伦茨servo inverters are suitable for dynamic motion control and multi-axis applications, and can be operated via a motion controller or run independently.
- 伦茨’s IIoT Gateway offers secure, remote access into machinery via a virtual private network.
- Lenze的资产管理软件工具允许最终用户快速访问需要维护的机械的技术文档和其他信息。
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Hello and welcome toTake Fivewith自动化世界。我是自动化世界高级技术作家David Miller。今天,我不会与您交谈,而是要展示Automate 2022,几周前在底特律举行。在这个视频中,伦茨will be exhibiting an overview of its hardware portfolio along with its cloud offerings.
在硬件方面,这包括电动机和驱动器,伺服逆变器和运动控制器,以及公司的Iiot Cloud Gateway。丹尼尔(Daniel)在视频中发表讲话,还将引导观众了解Lenze的软件和硬件产品提供的一些独特功能。
So, rather than going on myself, I’m going to go ahead and let the presentation speak for itself, and we’re going to cut to that now.
嘿,欢迎来到2022年在底特律的Automate Show的Lenze Boots。我想为您提供有关Lenze产品组合的快速概述,您可以在我的左右右边看到,并快速介绍我们的硬件投资组合,然后进入我们的云产品。
现在如果你想想runni最终用户ng a machine where these components are installed into. This end user, he wants to make sure that his machine runs 24/7 without any break down, any stop, right. So end users typically want to reduce any kind of downtime. So to work on this part, we have our remote gateway into the cloud, our IIoT gateway. And this gateway really connects the machine into the cloud it it offers remote access via VPN, secure access into your machine to do some troubleshooting. But also, you can do all data collections with this tool. And you can use the Lenze X4 remote platform to analyze your data to improve your improve your overall equipment efficiency.
But as well, and this is one of the new things we are offering right now, we have this tool, so called Asset Management, with an automated ticket management system as well. And what does that mean? So that basically means that with our asset management tool, we add the information of every component within your machine into that asset management tool. And if any kind of problem shows up, immediately, you can double check what product it is, which year it was built, what is the serial number, what are the documents or technical documents for that.
You have all that at your fingertips within our portal, within our asset management tool. And you even can generate automated tickets so that a service technicians or the service department at the OEM gets a ticket as soon as there's any kind of issue. And then they can start working with the end user together on the machine to solve the issue, whatever the issue is, and to avoid any kind of downtime to help really the end user you know to keep the machine up and running at the best possible way.