What is High-Performance HMI?

Understand the differences between high-performance HMI and video game-like HMI options and how they can affect operator performance.


  • 了解什么是高性能HMI。
  • Understand why many industrial users are adopting High-Performance HMI displays.
  • Why some users prefer more colorful HMI screens despite studies that show High-Performance HMIs lead to better results.
  • 找出为什么皮马县地区废水开垦部门转向高性能HMIS。


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Hello and welcome to与自动化世界相提并论五. I’m David Greenfield, Director of Content, and in this episode we’ll explore the split over user preference for high-performance HMI displays and the more colorful HMI displays that started becoming more prevalent in the early 2000s.

Though the term high-performance HMI sounds like a very advanced and possibly complex type of HMI display, it’s actually quite the opposite. High-performance HMIs, in contrast to more standard, modern HMI displays, are not very colorful. For example, each device or piece of equipment won’t be represented with different colors, and you won’t see pipes actively filling with blue or green fluid, or flames underneath a tank indicating an active boiler operation. Instead, a high-performance HMI will be primarily gray with just the devices or systems requiring attention highlighted in any kind of attention-getting color.



Clark Kromenaker, product manager atOmron自动化,说,机器建筑商已经很快就可以掌握这些五颜六色的HMI的扩展功能,以嵌入操作员说明或机器故障诊断视频之类的内容。他说:例如,对面板的真实感也可以提高与机器互动的安全性。例如,操作员可以调整一系列智能传感器的HMI播放模板,就像他打开控制柜门并且正在调整物理设备本身一样。食谱和警报也存在这样的HMI面板。


An example of operators who have come to prefer the low-graphic version of high-performance HMIs are the operators at the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department.

皮马县的工程技术人员说,以前,more colorful HMI design had been overwhelming the operators with too much data and nuisance alarms. UsingAveva’s InTouch software, Pima County’s engineers were able to avoid these problems by applying the principles of situational awareness to the HMI’s window structure, color scheme, and alarm hierarchy. This enhanced the staff’s ability to perceive and understand what’s happening in the facility and focus their attention on what needs to be done. As a result, key alarms no longer get lumped in with the nuisance alarms, enabling operators to address them right away…before they have time to develop into serious problems.

John Krajewski,产品管理副总裁Aveva, says: Color can be very effective in catching the attention of an operator, but overuse greatly diminishes its ability to continue capturing the operator’s attention.

Despite the proven success of high-performance HMIs, the look and feel of consumer applications will likely continue to influence industrial HMIs. Eric Reiner, industrial PC product specialist atBeckhoff Automation, says: Beyond generating a comfort level among users, the use of advanced graphics in HMIs can help improve the user experience and shorten the learning curve for machine operators.

Bottom line: it looks like the debate over HMI styles will continue.

So keep watching this space for new episodes to keep you on top of what’s happening in the world of industrial automation.

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